Afternoons - Day 23 - Ben gets punishment instructions from the Tree of Temptation, and housemates find his covert behaviour amusing

Day 23 13:48
By BigBroWeb
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Select one of 6 clips by clicking on a paragraph below
1) 'Ben, you must win the role of stand up in this week's shopping task' - Tree of Temptation
2) Ben wants to live in a day when you can make fun of anything, including ourselves. [cr] 'We could hear you talking to the Tree of Temptation, Ben', laugh the housemates
3) 'Ironsides' Steve reckons that Ben should keep the Tree of Temptation tasks secret.
4) 'Big Brother brings you down ... then brings you back up again' - Josie
5) Dave repeatedly asks Ben about his Tree of Temptation task. [cr] JJ moans about Sunshine's histrionics the night before, saying 'She was loving the attention she was gettiing'
6) Ben says he could go a custard tart right now

After missing some appointments with the Tree of Temptation, he finally learns some details of his punishment for failing to perform yesterdays tasks.

The housemates finds his covert behaviour hilarious.

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