Noise Nuisance

Day 31 18:30
By Dawnuss

Belinda, public enemy no.1 in the house, due to her Orchestral Snoring, is already top of the hit list for nomination.

“Big Brother can we exchange a Token to remove Belinda from the house” begged Luke

“She’s gone” wailed Mikey. “I can’t put up with that noise another night”

The air was filled with bitter disappointment when Big Brother announced that all new housemates were immune from nominations.

Belinda boobed again by declaring to Lisa and Mario that Darnell should win as he was special. It didn’t go down well with the couple as they later bitched about her in the bedroom.

Mario’s moodiness reached new levels when he sabotaged Rex’s attempt at making Maysoon and Sara pizza. The 43 year old father of two turned the heat up high on the oven resulting in burnt pizza. Shocking behaviour from a man who earlier stated, while putting him up for eviction “Rex has gone down in my estimation, but he will just have to live with that”

A case of the green eyed monster perhaps? Does he feel threatened by Rex, a lad who has achieved great success at the young age of 24?

Rex has been accused many times of bragging about his 3 restaurants, yet he is an Executive Chef, it is what he does, it is part of his identity.

Mario could be accused of the same thing. How many times has he mentioned he has been on “The Ant and Dec Show” or countless other reality programmes he and Lisa have appeared on.

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