Nominations Begin

Day 14 13:53
By Dawnuss

Day 16 in the Big Brother House. Today is the day of the first nominations, some are filled with dread at the prospect, others keen to strike.

Alex is first in and chooses Rex unsurprisingly. Secondly, Dennis, a former friend and ally is selected, explaining he is a stirrer who cannot be trusted. Dennis reciprocates in the Diary room. How quickly friendships form and dissolve under the continuous gaze of TV cameras. Kathreya found it very difficult to nominate and shuffled uneasily before managing to opt for Alex and Sylvia quoting negativity as the main reasons.

Luke spat out Mario as one of his nominees, he found his manner towards Mikey patronising and that the Dad/Grandad was only "acting" this way to garner brownie points from the public.

Sylvia, another former confidante of Alex, nominated Alex as she felt her association with the Angry one was detrimental to her character. Five minutes later Sylvia was cuddled up next to her on the sofa. Two-faced is an understatement.

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