Where are you going Lisa?

Day 58 23:58
By Dawnuss

With a shout of “I’m going” Lisa made a hasty dash for freedom as she smashed her way through a fire door, breaking one of the handles.

Housemates gathered in the garden as Mo explained what had happened.

The 40 year old sales rep got as far as the security guards before she was talked into going back into the house.

Back in the BB bedroom she revealed to Rachael, Sara, Kat and Nicole that it had all become too much for her, that she was missing Mario and her daughter, but that she felt better having talked to Big Brother in the Diary room.

It is clear that Lisa’s frustrations were mounting, Luke, her friend and ally had just been evicted. Her contretemps with Rex was a signal all was not well and seeing him being rewarded a few hours later with the person he missed the most, the girl she described as common, must have been the icing on the cake. Furthermore, having spent the last few weeks in hell and being one of the few housemates to have never experienced heaven tested her to the extreme, however; she coped remarkably well and hardly ever moaned.

Throughout all this, it must be said, she wore the same expression on her face.

Lisa is a strong lady both physically and mentally and her stories of ghosts, aliens and gene founders are amusing. It can be said that she has become more interesting and valid since Mario’s departure. Lets hope it continues.

Put together by BigBroWeb.co.uk