Afternoons - Day 27 - 'Every argument here is about ME', says unhappy Ife, as leaving talks continue.

Day 27 14:16
By BigBroWeb
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Select one of 6 clips by clicking on a paragraph below
1) 'Shabby, I don't want you to leave', says Ife. [cr] 'Thanks, will you pack my suitcase later?'
2) Ife tries to mediate between the warring Josie & John James
3) Ben & Dave sit with Caoimhe, giving her comforting words.
4) Ife tells Nathan and Corin she's going, as she's the cause of every argument.
5) Both have had recent chats in the diary room, and Caoimhe tells Shabby how she was asked about her pride of representing the Irish, and her recent accomplishments in the house.
6) 'I came in here to get rid of all the illusions about myself, and I find I'm doing it in here too', Mario reveals. [cr] Caoimhe wonders if she has intimidated anyone in the house.

The housemates wonder what will happen with nominations now, as they've been delayed.

Ife is concerned that she's the cause of all the arguments.

She makes an attempt to convince Shabby that she doesn't want her to leave, and extols some of the benefits of being in the experience.

Shabby & Caoimhe are still considering their decision to leave.

John James and Josie continue last night's argument.

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