Overnights - Day 80 - Housemates wrestle with thoughts of ... wrestling, relationships and life after the show.

Day 80 03:52
By BigBroWeb
1) Charlie loves life in the house and doesn't want the experience to end
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1) Charlie loves life in the house and doesn't want the experience to end
2) Sophie steals Marcus's alcohol while he's in the diary room
3) It'll be Marcus and David up, if nominations go as normal, Sophie thinks
4) Charlie says it's easy to nick stuff from Claire's Accessories
5) Charlie gives his field theory on what makes the perfect relationship
6) Marcus asks Charlie if any of his friends would want to bum him
7) Charlie wants babies, a boy then a girl.
8) Kris wrote I Love You on Sophie's hand. But she's wondering if he meant it.
9) Marcus says the fat content of burgers is too high for him to eat, but the talk makes Charlie hungry.
10) Marcus ponders whether is mum had to be hastled to get her on the show, or if she did it for £20
11) Marcus and Charlie laugh at the wrestling names they chose, and he fact that Big Brother had to announce Marcus's chosen name.
12) More late night Charlie and Rodrigo whisperings, with some added hair stroking.

Siavash is asleep in bed, everyone else awake.

1) Charlie says "Just think 14 days and we'll be out". Marcus is looking forward to his chihuahua.

Lisa suggest all 7 should go into the diary room and ask if they have to nominate, as it will be difficult to nominate this week.

Charlie suggests Freddie was evicted because the public feared for his sanity, where Bea was concerned.

The magazine they had mentioned Freddie having panic attacks when he heard Bea's voice.

Also Charlie heard over the wall shouts for Marcus, Sophie and Siavash to win, but it was the same man saying it.

Charlie says he doesn't want the experience to end.

2) Charlie asks Marcus for some of his alcohol as he's on his way to the diary room, and his request his denied.

While Marcus is away, Charlie and Sophie contemplate stealing alcohol from Marcus and Siavash.

Charlie asks Rodrigo why he was in a mood last night and says he couldn't even look at him, but Rodrigo says he wasn't in a mood.

Charlie says now Bea's gone he's on his own, and wants Rodrigo and Sophie to move beds to be closer.

Sophie steals Marcus's alcohol, reasoning that he doesn't drink.

The talk about wrestling matches they had earlier, and in particular Charlie and Lisa's match.

They joke about Sophie's morning sickness and include the magazine article's references to the 'Gay Charlie 22' and the 'Bisexual Rodrigo 23' and that Sophie IS pregnant due to those two.

Charlie says he's close to Kris and wants to sort out Sophie's issue with him.

3) Charlie says he thinks Sophie's romance could continue out of the house.

They joke that if Charlie and Rodrigo had a wrestling match today, it would have turned into a real fight, resulting int Big Brother calling "Would Rodrigo come to the diary room, IMMEDIATELY".

Charlie whispered that he wouldn't have been able to pick David up.

They carry on talking about the fights excitedly, and Sophie mentions putting Siavash's hands near her boobs and he kept saying "Stop it ... Stop it"

They try think of an excuse to tell Marcus when he comes out the diary room about why they drank his cans.

Sophie reckons, as she did last night, that if nominations go as normal, then it will be Marcus and David up, and David will go.

She then reckons there'll be midweek evictions in which she and Lisa will go, leaving an all boy final.

Lisa is telling David the story of Karly and the cigarettes where she asked for 20 cigarettes as her special gift, and Big Brother said "Is that all you want?"

4) Charlie informs the viewing public that it's easy to nick stuff from Claire's Accessories.

Lisa is telling David how Sree used to come and talk to her and get upset over Noirin.

David reckons the only ones who won't nominate him are Lisa and Charlie..

Marcus tells a shocked Sophie that when Angel and Sophia were in the house, they liked him. Sophia used to call him Sexy Marcus.

5) Marcus finishes off saying the kind of women he doesn't like. He's asked if he likes someone who's a bit dominating, who knows what they want.

Sophie responds saying she likes that kind of guy, they type that keep her on her toes, and says she hates guys who are too nice to her.

Charlie explains his field theory on what makes a perfect relationship.

Sophie chips in with "Why run for a bus when you've already caught it?"

6) Marcus asks Charlie if any of his friends would want to bum him. Charlie said no.

Sophie asks if Charlie has any friends for her, and he says she's too precious for them, she's cuddly.

Sophie says she wants to get married. She doesn't want to settle down but she wants to be a young bride.

Charlie says he wants children.

Sophie's dog Mimi is pregnant and it appears that Marcus is having one of the pups.

Sophie jokes like mother, like daughter, referring to the fact that both her and her dog are pregnant.

7) Charlie talks more about babies, saying he wants a boy and a girl.

8) After 5 minutes of messing about, Sophie clarifies the fact that Kris had written "I love you" on her hand. She asks for opinions on this and Charlie says he believes Kris loves being around her but it's too short a time for it to be the real love.

And they've spent more time apart than together. He does advise that she gives him the benefit of the doubt.

Sophie says she's looking forward to the wrap party more than anything.

Sophie, Charlie and Marcus agree to some nights out in London, and Marcus says he'll get hitting the gay clubs with Charlie and Rodrigo.

9) Marcus says that Lisa was the best wrestler. He complains that the 'Mr Husky Voice' Big Brother didn't want to listen to his list of sexy women, which includes Lucy Pinder, even though he reckons she talks like a man.

They discuss the shopping list where Marcus mentions burgers and their fat content, and it makes Charlie hungry.

10) Charlie admits he only washes his hand when he has a poo.

Marcus said they must have really hastled his mum to get her to come on the show. Then again, he says they probably only gave her £20

11) Marcus says that too much running messes up the knees. They laugh at some of the names used during the wrestling.

12) Charlie strokes Rodrigo's hair in bed.

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