Friday, 14 March, 2025
Day 52 - Nominations reveal - The housemates facing the vote this week are ...
Day 52 23:01
By BigBroWeb
The housemates have made an agreement that they should vote tactically so that all 6 face the public vote. But will they all stick to the plan? The housemates facing the vote this week are ...
Jem walks ... which leads to Harry, Jay and Faye joining Aaron in the eviction firing line
Day 48 19:03
By BigBroWeb
Jem finally quits the Big Brother experience, and as such those with at least one nomination face eviction with Aaron. Which means Harry, Faye and Jay join him in facing the public vote.
Nomination choices explained ... By Faye & Jem's mum, and Aaron's brother
Day 47 23:40
By BigBroWeb
Yesterdays nominations shook the house. And Faye & Jem's mum Chrissie, and Aaron's brother David speak to Emma Willis about the feelings behind the decisions.
Did Jay and Louise do it? Everyone wants to know
Day 46 23:20
By BigBroWeb
Jay's and Louise's feelings for each other have gotten stronger. And it seems everyone wants to know the reason why, including Big Brother, the housemates, and Emma and her Bit on the Side guests.
Aaron performs a High School Musical karaoke - Don't bet on it being any good.
Day 46 22:19
By BigBroWeb
As part of the betting task, Aaron has a choice of one of 3 songs to sing to on a karaoke machine. And it's a truly notable performance.
It's nominations time - but this time friends and family do the choosing.
Day 46 18:48
By BigBroWeb
The housemates are worried about who they'll nominate this week. But they can relax, sort of. It's the friends and family who'll be doing the nominating. And nominated for eviction this week are...
As Maisy goes out, a sparkly new housemate goes IN ... This one's a Jem
Day 29 23:11
By BigBroWeb
As Maisy leaves the Big Brother house, a new housemate enters. And it's someone Faye knows really well, it's her sister Jem. But will Aaron have both sisters in the Palm-er of his hand?
Maisy becomes the fourth evictee, as best friend Faye keeps her housemate status
Day 29 22:01
By BigBroWeb
Maisy James is the fourth housemate to be evicted, leaving behind her friend Faye Palmer. Her moment in the eviction spotlight beckons.
Mark sends the housemates packing ... and has them seeing red.
Day 27 19:49
By BigBroWeb
Well, the title is slightly misleading. More correct to say Big Brother ask the housemates to pack Mark's suitcase after his departure. And they see his face turn red on the light box.
Mark Henderson is no longer a housemate - He's WALKED!!
Day 27 19:03
By BigBroWeb
Mark has finally made up mind. It's time to leave the Big Brother house. He admitted to feeling trapped in the house, but now he gains his freedom. He'll be missed by all the remaining housemates.
Lord have mercy - Rustie Lee's trying to take over from Marcus Bentley
Day 24 23:56
By BigBroWeb
Caribean chef Rustie Lee has swapped the kitchen for the voiceover booth as she tries to be the new voice of Big Brother. But is overcome by Alex's lack of cooking skills.
Heaven can wait ...Heartbreak for Aden as Rebeckah is evicted.
Day 15 22:30
By BigBroWeb
Hostess Rebeckah Vaughan was evicted tonight by the public over Heaven Africa. She leaves behind lovelorn Aden Theobald amid a chorus of boos. However, she leaves the house with a smile.
Maisy and Faye admit to sexual frustration in the house.
Day 15 18:05
By BigBroWeb
Maisy James and Faye Palmer make a frank admission to each other. They're both sexual frustrated.
Aaron gives Faye a massage ... awkwardly!
Day 15 17:44
By BigBroWeb
Faye asks Aaron to give her a massage. But things get awkward when it comes to undoing her bra, ... and pulling down her pants.
Housemates go Maisy crazy - Craving confessions.
Day 14 14:44
By BigBroWeb
The housemates have been locked away from the rest of the world for 2 weeks now, and the topic of sexual cravings has surfaced once again. Aden, Maisy, Jay and Anton each confess to theirs.
Heaven and Rebeckah to face eviction on Friday
Day 11 00:52
By BigBroWeb
Loggerhead housemates Heaven and Rebeckah have been nominated for eviction this week. Perhaps the bickering pair made it easy for the others. In any case it should be more peaceful after Friday.
What a difference a Faye makes
Day 10 01:39
By BigBroWeb
24 little hours ... and Aaron goes from fancying Louise to almost declaring undying love for Faye. But how did it happen? And is he sure he's made the right choice?
Heaven's picking up bad vibrations from Rebeckah
Day 10 23:38
By BigBroWeb
Heaven feels that Rebeckah gives off bad vibes and she tells her to get off her bed. Rebeckah is annoyed by this and decides to engage the hollistic healer in some Holy-stic hollering.
Wrestler Faye's Diss Kiss task to win herself a hot date
Day 10 18:28
By BigBroWeb
Wrestle woman Faye is set a task by Big Brother to diss, then get a kiss, from each of the male housemates. Lucky she's a looker or it could have been diss, then get a FIST.
Harry wins immunity from nomination in chicken task
Day 10 12:54
By BigBroWeb
The housemates took part in a chicken themed endurance task in a bid to win immunity from being nominations. Heaven put up a valiant effort, but it was Harry who emerged victorious, clucking hell
Oh NO!! They've put out the Tashie
Day 8 23:04
By BigBroWeb
Drama queen Tashie learns that she has been evicted over Aaron and Harry. If the moon was crying before, Heaven knows what it's doing now. Time for the interview with Brian Dowling, and her Best Bits.
Guilty Heaven tries to use positive energy to rid Tashie of eviction threat.
Day 8 21:41
By BigBroWeb
After having nominated (and tried to heal) friend Tashie, Heaven's next effort to unburden her guilty self is to attempt to infuse the actress with positive energy, and the hope she won't go tonight.
Bobby Sabel fancies Louise Cliffe, and shares his thoughts on the other housemates
Day 7 19:14
By BigBroWeb
Model Celebrity Big Brother housemate Bobby Sabel talks to OK TV's Jenny Frost and Jeff Brazier out his time on the show, and how he feels about current housemate Louise, and the others.
Belly dancing girls makes things tough for the boys
Day 6 14:16
By BigBroWeb
When Tashie teaches the female half of the house the art of belly dancing, Jay and Anton agree that these are the kinds of times when life in the house is tough. Jay reveals he loves boobs too.
The new Big Brother 2011 housemates meet ... Pamela Anderson
Day 1 23:12
By BigBroWeb
The 14 new housemates have just been installed, and just as they're getting used to their home for the next possible 9 weeks, they discover that a Baywatch babe is living with them.
The Big Brother 2011 enter the house ... under the scrutiny of Pamela Anderson
Day 1 22:51
By BigBroWeb
This year's new crop of regular housemates make their way into the revamped Big Brother house, just a day after their celebrity counterparts had departed, but one celebrity is still in residence.
Oh mammy mammy mammy!! .. Paddy Doherty wins Celebrity Big Brother 2011
Day 1 23:50
By BigBroWeb
Manchester based traveller Paddy Doherty becomes the surprise winner Celebrity Big Brother 2011.
Kerry Katona finishes as runner up in Celebrity Big Brother 2011
Day 1 23:40
By BigBroWeb
Paddy is announced as winner of Celebrity Big Brother 2011, which means Kerry Katona finishes as runner up. Time for a quick eviction, interview and Best Bits.
John and Edward (together they're Jedward) get booted out together in third place.
Day 1 23:30
By BigBroWeb
Would you believe it? Jedward were odds on favourites to take the Celebrity Big Brother 2011 crown, but the former X Factor stars exit in 3rd place.
The only way is fourth place for Essex Amy
Day 1 23:20
By BigBroWeb
Following her would be suitor Lucien, Amy Childs is next to be evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother house. She'll also have to face questions about their carryings on.
Lucien is set loose by the public to finish in fifth place
Day 1 22:55
By BigBroWeb
Lovelorn Lucien Laviscount finishes in fifth place. He faces a barrage of questions about his womanising ways, and how he really feels about Essex girl, Amy Childs.
Darryn and his six-pack are sent packing
Day 1 22:50
By BigBroWeb
Paparazzo Darryn Lyons is evicted in sixth place. He'll also be asked about SweatGate, but it's his six-pack that had viewers talking.
Bobby is first out on the final night Celebrity Big Brother 2011
Day 1 22:30
By BigBroWeb
Model Bobby Sabel finds out that he received the fewest votes of the remaining seven housemates, and as such is evicted first.
Some of the housemates thought it was 'Game On' for Lucien and Amy ... But they were wrong
Day 21 22:20
By BigBroWeb
Bobby and Paddy were amongst those that thought a relationship was blossoming for Amy and Lucien, but the ructions caused by recents events is casting doubt on the pair even becoming just friends.
Lucien flirts with Kerry ... then goes for Amy big time.
Day 16 23:03
By BigBroWeb
What's gotten into Lucien? New confidence now that he's made it into the final week? Anyway after outrageous flirting with Kerry, he goes for Amy big time, with astonished Darryn watching on.
Tara evicted ... just before lines are opened for the public to vote for the winner of Celebrity Big Brother 2011
Day 16 22:30
By BigBroWeb
Tara Reid became the 3rd evictee of the series, missing out on being in the vote off for the winner. But she does get her interview with Brian and sees her time in the house and Best Bits.
Paddy seems have gone into meltdown, but why is that? Josie Gibson & Jeff Brazier asks the questions
Day 15 19:24
By BigBroWeb
Josie Gibson and Jeff Brazier ask Emma (What you talkin' about?) Willis and Nikki (Who IS she?) Grahame dor their thoughts on Paddy Doherty's recent meltdown.
Pamela makes 4 housemates immune, leaving 4 facing the boot on Friday
Day 14 23:44
By BigBroWeb
Bobby, Darryn, Lucien and Tara face the public vote on Friday after newly evicted Pamela is given the choice of 4 housemates to make safe from eviction.
Pamela gets voted Hoff
Day 14 23:00
By BigBroWeb
Pamela Bach-Hasselhoff becomes the second housemate to be evicted from the the Big Brother house, after facing the public vote with Mr Paparazzi, Darryn Lyons.
It's all tears as Kerry celebrates her daughter's 10th birthday in the house
Day 14 18:15
By BigBroWeb
It's Kerry's daughter Molly's 10th birthday today. And she's taken by surprise when Big Brother calls her into the diary room to receive a message from home.
Garlic ice-cream has Paddy calling for a doctor ... and a priest
Day 13 22:18
By BigBroWeb
Garlic ice-cream has Paddy calling for a doctor to look at his stomach inside ... and a priest to give him a BLESSING!
Josie and John James pops round to Samuel Dean's for a Twitcam party
Day 1 02:01
By BigBroWeb
Josie and John James find themselves at Samuel Deans place for a Twitcam party. And it's laughs all round as they chat about marriage, perfume, The Ashes, the failed England World Cup bid, and more.
Samuel Dean meets Josie and John James - part 1
Day 44 16:33
By BigBroWeb
Samuel Dean interviews Josie and John James and finds out what projects and products they'll be working on. As there are JLS condoms on the market, what will JJJ come out with, oo-er!!
Laura and boyfriend Matt plan to move in together, and so meet with estate agent Ben
Day 43 03:20
By BigBroWeb
As Laura and Matt have decided that their relationship is worth saving, they decide to for a place to live together. They meet up with Ben, which makes sense as he's an estate agent.
Ben meets up with Samantha again - with her publicist, Sophie.
Day 43 01:22
By BigBroWeb
Ben meets up with Samantha and Sophie, her publicist. Ben finds the encounter a little hard going this time as Samantha lays into him about his habitual dating. And is Sophie interested in him too?
Poll: Should Ben and Samantha continue dating?
Day 36 04:04
By BigBroWeb
Well, Ben and Samantha had their lunch date. (Okay Sam, it WASN'T a date, just lunch.) But do you think they hit it off? Should they continue seeing each other? Or won't it work? Vote in our poll.
Ben and Samantha meet for lunch - but she insists it's NOT a date
Day 36 00:27
By BigBroWeb
Samantha and Ben meet up for lunch, and she's keen to point out to the would be womaniser that it isn't a date. But it doesn't stop him trying for a sneaky kiss, and patting her bum.
John James Twitcams ... from his room in Australia
Day 31 17:39
By BigBroWeb
Josie was missing her little man, up until John James Twitcam from Australia. Did he like the decks she bought him on What Happened Next? What does his pals think of her? All is revealed.
Josie tells What Happened Next with John James on Twitcam
Day 28 11:56
By BigBroWeb
The Randy Mare that is Josie returns to Twitcam with Samuel Dean after Five's airing of 'Josie and John James: What Happened Next?', to talk to fans. But first, it appears she has been kidnapped.
Vic & Nick's BBLBC - After Spencer's Wedding / Get Laid Or Die Trying
Day 28 19:17
By BigBroWeb
The boys present this show LIVE from the hotel room after attending BB3 Spencer Smith's wedding. Nick also attended Michelle Bass's wedding. Victor is miffed that he doesn't get laid more often.
John James and Josie chat to fans on Twitcam
Day 19 02:13
By BigBroWeb
John James and Josie are back, via the medium of Twitcam. They reveal all their latest gossip direct to their fans.
Samantha Rowley and Laura Zilli join Lorraine Kelly for a chat
Day 16 18:34
By BigBroWeb
Samantha Rowley and Laura Zilli join Lorraine Kelly for a chat
Vic & Nick's BBLBC - All the gossip from the BB RIP Party
Day 14 13:00
By BigBroWeb
After sharing a cosy night together in a hotel room bed (ahem), the boys regale us with the goss from last night's party. Who's Sam Pepper dating? Do Rex and Darnell look alike? The boys reveal all.
OK TV's Layla covers the final Big Brother RIP closing party
Day 12 13:27
By BigBroWeb
We've had 10 eventful years of Big Brother, and this party at the Embassy nightclub in London looks to be the final celebration. Layla goes in to get the goss from the attending ex-housemates.
Vic & Nick's BBLBC - After Josie's Reunion Party
Day 7 15:08
By BigBroWeb
Todays BBLBC takes place the day after Josie's reunion party. Nick comments on the Josie & John James couple, and the irritating Sam Pepper, and Victor thinks someone intended to spike his drink.
Vic & Nick's BBLBC - After the After Show Party
Day 1 15:58
By BigBroWeb
The boys are out the house, and on YouTube to discuss Wayne Rooney's infidelities, their views on Sam Pepper and Nadia's suicide watch, who did and didn't attend the wrap party, and upcoming parties.
Overnights - Day 17 - Final Overnight of Big Brother, brought to you by Vic & Nick
Day 17 01:07
By BigBroWeb
Victor and Nick are once again the only ones up on the final night of Big Brother. No BBLBC again tonight, alas, but Victor lists his fave BB girls, and Nick tries to prank him.
No BBLBC tonight as Vic & Nick marvel at reaching the the final
Day 16 02:30
By BigBroWeb
Victor is very pleased that pal Nasty Nick has survived the public vote, and that both will be in the final. The tired boys stay up awhile to chat before having a relatively early night.
Davina enters the house to deliver messages from home
Day 16 17:10
By BigBroWeb
Davina enters the Big brother house to give the housemates their messags from home. And the Tree of Temptation gives her an addtional task.
Vic & Nick's BBLBC #9 - Vanessa returns as guest to discuss show favouritism
Day 15 02:43
By BigBroWeb
Tonight Vanessa reveals how she feels about the house this time around as compared to her last stay. Vanessa and the boys bemoan the reward for today's dancing task, and discuss the show favourites
I'm scared of Titan the robot, says Michelle
Day 15 01:45
By BigBroWeb
Michelle, Nick and Victor are talking about just how good the BB11 tasks were. Michelle tells the boy just how frightened she is of Titan the robot, and couldn't even watch him on tv.
Michelle, talking about John James, says boys don't like kissing on television
Day 15 01:33
By BigBroWeb
Michelle Bass, in conversation about the lack of kissing in Josie and John James' relationship says boys are scared of kissing on tv, and brings up her own experiences with 'Chicken' Stu.
Vic & Nick's BBLBC #8 - Vic's Impossible Task Day & Is This Nick's Last Night?
Day 14 02:53
By BigBroWeb
Tonight's Big Brother's Little Brother's Cousin show features the impossible day Victor had task wise, and the possibility of this being Nick's last night.
Vic & Nick's BBLBC #7 - Brian Dowling Trivia & Who Will Win UBB?
Day 13 03:12
By BigBroWeb
On tonights show, the boys bring you Brian Dowling Trivia, the effects of last night's stitch up by Big Brother, and discussion on who will win the series.
Vic & Nick's BBLBC #6 - with featured guests, EVERYONE!!
Day 12 02:07
By BigBroWeb
Victor and Nick suspect sabotage by Big Brother as tonight's broadcast is interrupted by first Preston, then all the remaining housemates invade the 'studio'. The boys struggle for an explanation.
Writhe of the Geordie - Michelle gets TICKLED!!
Day 12 15:47
By BigBroWeb
As part of the 'Enjoy The Silence' task, Michelle Bass has to remain silent while being tickled by BB4's Jon Tickle and BB9's Rex Newmark. The Geordie girl writhes to the occasion.
Vic & Nick's BBLBC #5 - with featured guest Vanessa Feltz
Day 11 02:35
By BigBroWeb
In today's show Nick and Victor speak to Vanessa Feltz about the Josie and John James romance, which she thinks is for real, and the Shabby and Caoimhe affair, likening Caoimhe to BB10's Noirin.
Makosi's aim to uncover BBLBC and ridicules it to Nadia and Michelle
Day 10 01:01
By BigBroWeb
Ever Since Anthony told Makosi that he watches the show especially for Nick and Victor, a jealous Makosi sets out to discover the true nature of the boys work, and ends up ridiculing it.
Vic & Nick's BBLBC #4 - with Makosi as featured guest
Day 10 00:00
By BigBroWeb
Tonight's Big Brother's Little Brother's Cousin is having to be aired earlier with everyone still awake, and with the ongoing conga task. But the boys manage to squeeze an interview out of Makosi.
Makosi and Anthony's 'date'
Day 10 15:00
By BigBroWeb
A very nervous Makosi meets up with Anthony Hutton for the first time since they shared the house in BB6. Makosi admits to "dreading" the encounter.
Makosi WILL be going on friday, so let's do an early BBLBC edition for her.
Day 9 03:40
By BigBroWeb
Nick and Victor note the controversial views Makosi has expressed in the house, and think they'll get her evicted. Victor decides they'll have to shoot an early edition of the show, interviewing her.
Vic & Nick's BBLBC #3 - Brian Dowling interviewed
Day 9 03:28
By BigBroWeb
Continuing with their Big Brother's Little Brother's Cousin show, they interview housemate Brian, pretending it's a task given to them by Big Brother.
Chaos in the UBB house as BB5's Ahmed appears, smashing plates
Day 9 22:13
By BigBroWeb
An unsuspecting household is unprepared for BB5's Ahmed's entrance, as he suddenly appears, smashing plates, recreating a famous scene from his series.
"Corin would have been 'Victorised'" - Victor
Day 8 01:45
By BigBroWeb
Nick and Victor are discussing their favourite BB11 housemates. Nick chooses Josie and Corin, and Victor shows how much he REALLY likes Corin. So much so, he'd have 'Victorised' her.
Vic & Nick's BBLBC #2 - Majorettes Task & Nominations Results
Day 8 01:25
By BigBroWeb
In tonight's BBLBC, Vic & Nic discuss todays Majorette task and reactions to the nominations results.
Poll - Who to evict? Chantelle, Makosi, Nadia, Nick, Nikki or Ulrika?
Day 8 20:10
By BigBroWeb
The housemates have jous found who's up for eviction in a most surprising manner. You can vote on our poll for which of the six you most would like to see leave on friday.
Overnights - Day 7 - Michelle stays up to join in Nick and Victor's late night chat
Day 7 04:00
By BigBroWeb
Michelle joins Victor and Nick for a late night conversation.
Victor and Nick hope they've entertained in the right spirit
Day 7 02:30
By BigBroWeb
Victor and Nick discuss what they hope the public, and Digital Spy, got from the BBLBC show. Nick is pleased that it's not the "fattist bullying" that Sam Pepper provided as entertainment.
Victor & Nick present the pilot episode of BBLBC
Day 7 02:24
By BigBroWeb
Victor & Nick brings you the pilot episode of BBLBC - Big Brother's Little Brother's Cousin. The show in which they bring to you their unique perspective on their fellow housemates.
Nadia's tough love rant over "predictable & forgettable" Josie and John James
Day 7 15:00
By BigBroWeb
Egged on by the other housemates, Nadia goes on a mad rant about Josie, saying she's predictable & forgettable, as was BB9's Rachel and BB4's Cameron. She also slams 'snob' John James.
"How come it's funny when Sam Pepper does it, but when I do it, I'm a beast" - Victor
Day 6 23:25
By BigBroWeb
Victor notices that when Sam play pranks it's considered to be funny, but when he does it, he's a beast. He adds that Sam couldn't pull those stunts on him as he'd risk being put in the BIN.
Afternoons - UBB Day 6 - "I could never go back to Pete" - Nikki
Day 6 14:37
By BigBroWeb
Nikki explains to the group why she could never go back to former love, Pete. Victor & Michelle are led to believe their bedsit stint is about to come to an end.
Josie and John James go on their first real date
Day 6 13:15
By BigBroWeb
A BBLB exclusive. Josie and John James embark on their first real date since leaving the Big Brother house, where she gives the Aussie a taste of West Country living.
Sam went for you Josie, because he thought it would keep him the house - Brian
Day 2 01:12
By BigBroWeb
Brian thinks that Sam Pepper went for Josie because he wanted to be the public's hero, and that it would keep him in the house. Brian also said he wouldn't have been as pleasant to him as Josie was.
Josie tells Brian and Nadia about the rift with Caoimhe
Day 2 00:54
By BigBroWeb
Josie tells Brian and Nadia about Caoimhe's inablity to get on with most of the house. She went on to explain the cause of her bust up with the Irish lass, but says she would have got on with Brian.
John McCririck blasts John James, Jo and "disgusting" Sam
Day 2 12:10
By BigBroWeb
John McCririck blasts John James, Jo and "disgusting" Sam, as Josie tries her best to defend them. In the same conversation he praises Josie's upbringing.
"The public votes for nice, decent people like you Josie" - John McCririck
Day 1 23:10
By BigBroWeb
John McCririck tells Josie he finds her vulnerability quite touching. He went on to say the public votes for nice, decent people like herself, not the show offs, nasty, plotting, or gorgeous ones.
Funniest moments? It's when we nearly MURDERED Ben
Day 76 22:09
By BigBroWeb
Josie and Dave are in fits of laughter as they reflect on the time when they almost MURDERED Ben. Josie starts the ball rolling, jogging Dave's memory, and he adds more hilarious detail.
John Joe clashes with Dave over his "brainwashed" daughter
Day 76 14:40
By BigBroWeb
Dave explains how he takes his daughter on dates to set memory tracks so she can distinguish good dates from the bad ones. John Joe accused him of brainwashing her which didn't go down too well.
Overnights - Day 75 - The housemates Perfect Day comes to an end
Day 75 02:06
By BigBroWeb
The housemates are tired out from the excitement of their Perfect Day.
Sam is a WALLY, was out of order, and he went too far, says Davina
Day 75 13:57
By BigBroWeb
When summing up Sam's time in the house, Davina blasted him, calling him a WALLY. She said he was out of order with Josie & Corin. Sam admits that Josie and John James's relationship is for REAL.
"I'm used to being a reject" says Josie after John James shouts over the wall
Day 74 23:59
By BigBroWeb
Josie and the other housemates hear shouts from John James and Sam over the wall, but she isn't happy as she believes the shouts were for John Joe.
The John James Show has comes to a close, says Dave
Day 74 15:08
By BigBroWeb
Up until the last reminder given to Josie, Dave thought that Big Brother had left along with John James. He thinks half the rented cameras can now be given back and some staff laid off.
Overnights - Day 72 - Steve worries about eviction & Sam and Dave wreak havoc with "Operation Brown Paper"
Day 72 03:44
By BigBroWeb
Sam and Dave team up to unleash "Operation Brown Paper" on the living room. Steve worries about being evicted. John James thinks that Big Brother will do anything for him.
Dave soaks Sam
Day 72 02:23
By BigBroWeb
Dave and Sam are playing a late night game of catch with a water filled glove. And the glove bursts open drenching Sam.
Overnights - Day 71 - "I've been stitched up by Big Brother, and I want to leave" - John James
Day 71 05:20
By BigBroWeb
John James is worried that the visits to the house earlier made by ex-housemates Ben, nathan and Rachael was a set up to get him riled, and chop out banter which put him in a bad light.
John James defends 'bullied' Sam, so Josie ditches him
Day 71 13:00
By BigBroWeb
Sam has given John James the impression that he was bullied by Corin and Josie. John James confronts Josie about it and the row gets so heated, she decides to end it with the Aussie.
Overnights - Day 68 - The puzzle of the ninja
Day 68 04:23
By BigBroWeb
The puzzle being, why on earth would you need to dress up as a ninja to take a wig? But no matter. Josie and Corin catches him the act. Hilarious
Josie uncovers the Ninja and Corin catches him almost red handed
Day 68 04:12
By BigBroWeb
Josie uncovers the fact that Sam has sneaked into the bedroom dressed as a Ninja, which leads to Corin catching him almost red handed as he attempts to steal her eviction wig.
"Mum, if you can hear me, whack it all on Josie" - John James
Day 67 20:14
By BigBroWeb
John James is certain that Josie will win the series, so much so, he asks his mum to put money on it. Does he think think the message will reach his mum? And will she do it?
You won't be here 11 days with the amount of boos and "Get Sammy's Out" you've had tonight
Day 66 23:30
By BigBroWeb
Dave and Sam are teasing each other about the possibility of each other's eviction, and Sam almost chokes on his food when Dave tells him it's unlikely he'll be there till the final day.
Sam chased Josie around during lockdown and probably DOES fancy her - Mario
Day 65 03:52
By BigBroWeb
John James is telling Mario what he finds so bothersome about Sam, and Mario reveals that he chased Josie around during their time in lockdown together and suspects that Sam DOES fancy Josie.
Is Sam using Josie and John James for airtime?
Day 65 23:00
By BigBroWeb
John James is trying to have a serious chat with Josie. But Sam will not take the hint and leave. John James suspects that he's using them for airtime.
The world of online forums - Digital Spy Big Brother
Day 65 18:45
By BigBroWeb
Emma Willis looks at the world of Digital Spy's Big Brother discussion forum, and asks why the posts there are so negative. BB11 quitter Laura is also on hand to answer questions.
Nasty Nick talks game players
Day 65 18:30
By BigBroWeb
Nasty Nick talks about the game players in this series.
I could stay a year in this house, and in that time I would have sex
Day 61 03:38
By BigBroWeb
John James tells Dave and Josie that he could stay in the house for a year. And Josie takes the opportunity to ask him if he'd have sex with her in the house.
Dave's dream Mario face swap
Day 61 01:30
By BigBroWeb
As he was put up for eviction as the result of Mario's face swap last week, Dave comes up with a dream scenario for returning the favour to the former mole.
Pre nomination day hug leads to wedgie for Sam from Dave
Day 61 23:01
By BigBroWeb
It's the day before nominations and Sam gives Dave a hug. And he gets a wedgie in return for his trouble, and finds he has to make some quick ... readjustments.
Do you really want to have sex? And get this out on tv?
Day 59 03:25
By BigBroWeb
John James asks Josie if she really wants to have sex. But she's a little concerned that her auntie may be watching
Dave teases Mario over Save & Replace swap
Day 57 19:07
By BigBroWeb
Mario is feeling guilty over having placed his friend Dave in the eviction firing line. And Dave is having a good jovial go at increasing that guilt. Can Mario handle it?
Overnights - Day 53 - Messages from home causes upset & excitement & Sam gets peppered with questions on his sex life
Day 53 01:26
By BigBroWeb
The housemates are affected by the messages they've just received from home. Sam continues winding up the housemates, so Josie asks him questions about his sex life.
Overnights - Day 49 - Andrew gets drunk, and flirty, and pins Mario to the bed.
Day 49 00:16
By BigBroWeb
Andrew gets drunk, and Big brother asks Dave to keep an eye on him. Andrew also flirts with a few housemates, including Josie. And he also pins down a very concerned Mario to the bed.
Overnights - Day 48 - Laura wants to walk, Mario & JJ discuss Deal or No Deal strategies
Day 48 01:10
By BigBroWeb
It looks as though John James and Josie have shared their first kiss. Laura is upset and wants to go home, and it's the turn of Corin, Jo,Mario, JJ & Rachel to stay up late.
John James breaks fire exit in escape bid due to rift over Shabby & Caoimhe relationship comparison
Day 48 20:44
By BigBroWeb
John James compared his relation with Josie to that of Shabby & Caoimhe. Josie tells him if that's the case they should move beds. This upsets the Aussie and he makes an escape bid.
Afternoons - Day 48 - One housemate punished for discussing nominations
Day 48 13:23
By BigBroWeb
It's nominations day, and a housemate is told the punishment for discussing nominations. John James & Corin acknowledge each others attractiveness, and they fact they each don't recognise it.
Overnights - Day 47 - Corin fancies JJ as new foursome is forming with Josie & John James over picnic date plans
Day 47 00:57
By BigBroWeb
JJ is chuffed after he's told 'You're fit' by Corin. She joins the JJ,John James & Josie group and they make plans for a picnic tomorrow. The house prepares for tomorrow's nominations.
Overnights - Day 46 - Who's sleeping with whom?
Day 46 00:20
By BigBroWeb
It's bedtime, and the housemates are deciding who's sleeping in bed with whom. The new arrivals, wishing to make the most of the experience by staying up are told to return to the bedroom.
Overnights - Day 45 - New arrivals Jo, JJ & Laura impact the resident housemates
Day 45 00:19
By BigBroWeb
Feathers are ruffled as another new trio of housemates arrive. John James is put under pressure from new rival JJ,new girl Laura leaks some of what she's watched. Jo is 'Ife on acid', in Ben's view.
SIX hopefuls - THREE new housemates - TONIGHT
Day 45 18:39
By BigBroWeb
Three males and three females are opening to enter the house tonight. And the resident housemates have yet to find out they have to choose 3 from the 6 to swell their ranks.
John James sounds like Kermit when he sings & people will think I'm Miss Piggy
Day 44 02:00
By BigBroWeb
In an earlier diary room visit, Josie expressed relief that she and John James didn't get picked to do the duet. She tells the Aussie what she told Big Brother.
Overnights - Day 44 - "Get out of my bed, Ben, and back into the bed next to the snoring Baron" - Rachel
Day 44 01:45
By BigBroWeb
After playing 'Cilla' to Josie & John James, Rachel finds that Ben has taken refuge in her bed to be away from snoring Steve. One of them has to move. Who's it to be?
"We planted the seed of your relationship, Josie", admits Rachel
Day 44 01:32
By BigBroWeb
Josie is worried that she could be made to look bad after her upset over Caoimhe's behaviour with John James. Rachel tries to calm her fears, and admits she helped to push the relationship.
Afternoons - Day 44 - Dancing brings Davina McCaw to life & John James & Josie playfight
Day 44 13:28
By BigBroWeb
Andrew Stone continues to get the housemates ready for the performances. Davina McCaw squawks up again, and John James and Josie enjoy a brother & sisterly playfight.
Overnights - Day 43 - BB High gets drunk with Stone
Day 43 00:10
By BigBroWeb
Housemates get the alcohol they ordered on the last shopping budget and drink with Andrew Stone.
"Andrew, would you take me to the prom?", jokes geeky Josie
Day 43 13:41
By BigBroWeb
The housemates have dressed up as geeks and jocks, and Josie and Andrew discuss what it means to be a geek. Andrew is taken aback when Josie geekily asks him to take her to the prom.
Afternoons - Day 43 - Housemates Glee as Andrew Stone enters house
Day 43 13:38
By BigBroWeb
Excited housemates record vocals with Andrew Stone for this weeks shopping task. Dave says Josie & John James should do a duet, after the Caoimhe rift, and the two spending the night in bed.
Overnights - Day 42 - Caoimhe's walked, Keeley's hospitalised & John James & Josie sleep together?
Day 42 00:10
By BigBroWeb
It's been a very strange nomination results day. Caoimhe's walked and Keeley got injured during the Save & Replace task. And John James and Josie sleep together? All night? It's looking like a first.
Caoimhe - The Interview
Day 42 18:58
By BigBroWeb
Caoimhe walked out of the Big Brother house today. She features on today's BBLB where she meets up with old mucker Shabby.
Afternoons - Day 42 - The House reacts to Caoimhe's walkout
Day 42 13:42
By BigBroWeb
Caoimhe has just walked out of the house, and the housemates wonder what will happen with nominations today.
Josie turns the Pocket Rocket into the Puppet Baroness
Day 41 01:40
By BigBroWeb
With Josie wearing high heels, Keeley looks like a puppet next to her. So The Bristolian takes the opportunity to turn her into just that. The Puppet Baroness.
Overnights - Day 41 - Keeley tells John James & Caoimhe the serial leaver to leave the bedroom with their bitching
Day 41 01:11
By BigBroWeb
Tensions are running high with unpopular Caoimhe wanting to leave the house, again. As John James is trying to talk her out of it, Keeley tells them to leave the bedroom with their bitching.
6th round nomination results revealed - by the Tree of Temptation
Day 41 18:38
By BigBroWeb
The Tree of Temptation appears on tonight's BBLB to tell George and Emma who the housemates have nominated for eviction, and who'll take part in tomorrow's Save & Replace contest.
Afternoons - Day 41 - Sixth round of nominations in progress, with a ban slapped on Caoimhe
Day 41 13:15
By BigBroWeb
The sixth round of nominations are under way, and the housemates are in and out the diary room a a fast rate. Caoimhe reveals she's been banned from nominating.
Overnights - Day 40 - Housemates disappointed over 10th birthday party.
Day 40 00:55
By BigBroWeb
The housemates are disappointed with the birthday party laid on by Big Brother. Not enough booze or music, so it's looking like an early night.
Afternoons - Day 40 - "John James has been really nice to me", says Josie after secret chat
Day 40 15:01
By BigBroWeb
Josie confides in Corin that the Aussie has been really nice to her after a chat with him, in which she made a revelation to him, with their microphones switched OFF.
Ife - The Interview
Day 40 12:26
By BigBroWeb
Latest evictee Ife gets questioned about her time in the house, and her opinions on her former housemates. Also Davina, and members of the eviction crowd give their opinions on the dancer.
Overnights - Day 39 - Will John James get to talk to Josie about her difficult day?
Day 39 01:43
By BigBroWeb
Josie's had a very difficult day. She believes Caoimhe is being a bitch to her. John James wants to talk to her about it, but they're interrupted at every turn. Will they get a chance to talk?
"Come into OUR bed John James, and we'll look after you", teases Caoimhe
Day 38 03:28
By BigBroWeb
Caoimhe is in a mischievous mood as while the rest of the house sleeps, she calls out to John James to join her and Rachel in bed. No prizes for guessing that Josie will not be best pleased.
Ife becomes the fifth evictee
Day 38 00:16
By BigBroWeb
Dancer Ife has been evicted tonight with 56.5% of the vote. She's survived by fellow nominees Mario & Corin.
Afternoons - Day 38 - Housemates on birdwatch - Davina McCaw squawks
Day 38 14:59
By BigBroWeb
Davina McCaw has started squawking sentences that each of the housemates have said during their time in the house. And it's ruffling feathers.
Show us the GLORY, Dave ... SHOW US THE GLORY!!!
Day 37 03:25
By BigBroWeb
Dave is the man with the Glory, and BB house babes, Corin and Rachel are in the pool, begging him to be showered in it. Will Dave oblige them ... in the Glory!!?
Overnights - Day 37 - Bob Righter delivers Davina McCaw message
Day 37 02:01
By BigBroWeb
The housemates are in high spirits after alcohol from the shopping budget. They get called inside for being rowdy in the pool. The get a message from Bob Righter, and Ben wants some new bedroom rules.
Overnights - Day 36 - Awkwardness follows after John James says he doesn't fancy Josie.
Day 36 04:54
By BigBroWeb
A train of events today leads to John James having to finally say he does not fancy Josie. They try find a way to continue the friendship, but it's awkward.
Overnights - Day 35 - Rachel in tears after argument over beliefs with Andrew
Day 35 01:14
By BigBroWeb
Rachel finds that it's true what they say about things being magnified in the house. John James tells Josie that Keeley is not "stuck up", unlike a lot of good looking girls.
"I don't want to be known as Mr Creepy" - Steve
Day 35 23:57
By BigBroWeb
Steve Gill is worried is marriage could be in jeopardy after a diary room visit, about his flirty behaviour towards Rachel and Keeley. After seeking advice from Dave, he speaks to Keeley.
Overnights - Day 34 - Come wind down with me
Day 34 00:17
By BigBroWeb
The 'Come Dine with Me' task has just finished, with Andrew emerging as winner. Keeley nestles up to Steve, and Ife talks to Rachel dealing with conflicts in the house.
Nominations revealed - Fifth week results and new housemate info
Day 34 19:12
By BigBroWeb
BBLB reveals who could be facing eviction on Friday, to be finalised after tomorrows Save & Replace task. Also the question of the new housemates nominating and being nominated is answered.
Afternoons - Day 34 - Let's escape and have them round us up like the scene in Planet of the Apes - Dave
Day 34 13:18
By BigBroWeb
Nominations are under way, and Dave and some in the nest with him think that escaping the house would make a bigger impact than normal evictions.
Overnights - Day 33 - John James and Josie make the peace after 'Crab Eyes' Gate
Day 33 01:33
By BigBroWeb
After a long stint in the diary room, John James and Josie make the peace, albeit uneasily. They are joined by Caoimhe in the nest to discuss the other housemates while they sleep.
Overnights - Day 32 - 'I can't see the point of being here if I can't talk to her' - John James after argument with Josie.
Day 32 01:25
By BigBroWeb
John James and Josie are at odds after an earlier argument. He talks to Dave and says she's his best friend in the house and can't manage without her.
Afternoons - Day 32 - Dave preaches to Rachel, John James does Tree of Temptation task
Day 32 13:24
By BigBroWeb
Dave has a new audience to preach about his love of the Lord to. John 'Skippy' James completes the task set for him by the Tree of Temptation.
Overnights - Day 31 - ET, the Extra Threesome - Rachel, Keeley and Andrew arrives.
Day 31 03:36
By BigBroWeb
Rachel, Keeley and Andrew have just arrived. Keeley is already ruffling feathers, but Steve seems very taken with her and Rachel, Kopping, ahem, copping a good feel of the Scouser.
Nathan Dunn becomes the 4th evictee
Day 31 23:53
By BigBroWeb
Mono browed Nathan Dunn has become the fourth person to be evicted from the house. He received a whooping 89% of the vote. Fellow nonimee, Aussie John James Parton remains in the house.
THREE new housemates tonight - Emma Willis talks to Keeley, Rachel and Andrew
Day 31 18:59
By BigBroWeb
Andrew, Keeley and Rachel will be going in as three brand new housemates tonight. Emma Willis gets to speak to them beforehand.
‘Yeah, I saw your beaver, Caoimhe’, discussion by John James leads to speculation on the size of his widger
Day 30 02:12
By BigBroWeb
Caoimhe is taken aback when John James gives a frank appraisal of her front bottom. But she & Josie strike back by contemplating the size of little John James.
Afternoons - Day 30 - ‘You are the most SELFISH man I know', Nathan tells under fire Ben.
Day 30 14:12
By BigBroWeb
With the Big Bro-bot task continuing, Ben is having another day from hell. Now Nathan is delivering some home truths, and even Dave seems to abandon him. Thank goodness for Mario.
Overnights - Day 29 - 'I am a robot' - Ben blows out gusty Dave to jump into bed with Corin
Day 29 03:21
By BigBroWeb
I am a robot. It's bedtime, and Dave feels scorned when Ben choses Corin over him to sleep in bed with. The housemates speculate that he fancies the Manc lass. I am a robot.
Overnights - Day 28 - 'I'm being a hypocrite here', says John James & 'I want to marry a beautiful Lebanese girl', says Ben
Day 28 02:36
By BigBroWeb
John James feels surrounded by game players, and is not at all comfortable in the house. Ben reveals he doesn't want what Mario has to offer, but wants to marry a beautiful Lebanese girl.
BB11 4th eviction - John James or Nathan?
Day 28 18:14
By BigBroWeb
Nominated Caoimhe escaped the vote in this weeks Save & Replace task. She replaced herself with Nathan, so he's the one facing eviction along with John James. Vote in our poll for who you want to go.
Afternoons - Day 28 - 'Shabby leaving is doing Caoimhe a power of good'
Day 28 14:00
By BigBroWeb
The housemates are waiting for this weeks eviction results, and details of the Save & Replace task. Nathan notices that Caoimhe is faring better without Shabby.
Overnights - Day 27 - 'I've never met anyone like you, Ben, you must be an actor', jibes John James.
Day 27 01:09
By BigBroWeb
Earlier Shabby walked out, and all was set to be peaceful & harmonious. But John James has to tell Ben he can't believe he gets away with what he does, and must be an actor.
Shabby - The interview
Day 27 19:19
By BigBroWeb
Shabby has left the house after a month in captivity, without saying goodbye to Caoimhe and the others. She's interviewed by George & Emma on BBLB.
Afternoons - Day 27 - 'Every argument here is about ME', says unhappy Ife, as leaving talks continue.
Day 27 14:16
By BigBroWeb
Ife is concerned that she's the cause of all the arguments. Shabby & Caoimhe still consider their decision. The housemates wonder what will happen with nominations now, as they've been delayed.
Overnights - Day 26 - Shabby and Caoimhe bust up with Ife prompts decision to quit the House
Day 26 02:19
By BigBroWeb
A major rift in Ife's friendship with Shabby & Caoimhe leads to her not wanting to talk to them, causing them upset. They both go to the diary room with the intention of quitting.
Afternoons - Day 25 - Ben wimps out of Mike Hawke's regime so Dave takes it for the team
Day 25 21:26
By BigBroWeb
You don't mess with the Tree of Temptation. That surely must be dawning on Ben's mind as he's having a day from Hell, as prophesied by Bob Righter.
Afternoons - Day 23 - Ben gets punishment instructions from the Tree of Temptation, and housemates find his covert behaviour amusing
Day 23 13:48
By BigBroWeb
After missing some appointments with the Tree of Temptation, he finally learns some details of his punishment for his task failures. The housemates finds his covert behaviour hilarious.
Overnights - Day 22 - Arm wrestling housemates & 'I've flashed my private parts to the nation' , says shocked Sunshine
Day 22 00:37
By BigBroWeb
Ife tries to arm wrestle some of the housemates but her light frame doesn't help. A shocked Sunshine is sure she's flashed her private parts to the nation.
BB11 3rd eviction - Caoimhe, Shabby or Sunshine?
Day 22 20:05
By BigBroWeb
Shabby and Sunshine face the public vote again, this time with Caoimhe, put there by Dave as a result of this weeks Save & Replace task. Vote in our poll for who you would like to see leave on Friday.
Afternoons - Day 21 - Shabby's misery over hat sacrifice for tobacco
Day 21 14:24
By BigBroWeb
Shabby tries to patch up the differences she has with Caoimhe. But soon she feels so let down by her pal, and other housemates, she gives way to sobbing.
Overnights - Day 20 - "Dave, don't say 'I love you' then save and replace yourself with me", John James marathon rant
Day 20 04:20
By BigBroWeb
When John James goes on a rant, no one and no thing can stop him. And bible thumping Dave is the subject. And are Shabby & Caoimhe getting on each other's nerves?
Overnights - Day 19 - Ife & Mario's late night discussion on their past
Day 19 05:52
By BigBroWeb
It's been a day of birthday celebrations and watching the national team being thrashed by the Germans, so it's an early night for most. But not for Ife and Mario.
Overnights - Day 18 - "Come on England", Shabby & Caoimhe's bond deepens
Day 18 00:15
By BigBroWeb
The housemates feel proud they beat their German counterparts in a penalty shootout. They anticipate the England game, and Shabby & Caoimhe share their feelings.
Housemates shocked as Govan is evicted
Day 17 23:10
By BigBroWeb
Govan Hinds became the second evictee of the series with 72% of the vote, leaving the housemates visibly shocked. He gets the full Davina treatment, and leaves a parting gift for Josie.
Overnights - Day 16 - Can 'Mystic' Sunshine really predict who'll be evicted tomorrow?
Day 16 04:31
By BigBroWeb
Dave contemplates on this being his last night in the house, Govan said he only wanted fun in the house. 'Mystic' Sunshine says she can predict evictions, and there's a pillow fight.
If you go tomorrow Govan, watch the episode where I make up with Ben
Day 16 01:59
By BigBroWeb
The recent events where Shabby attempts to make up with Ben are confusing Govan. Shabby tells him to watch the episode, were he to be evicted tomorrow. This leads to more coded talk.
Overnights - Day 15 - Mario advises self-sorry Ben, Hungry housemates receive food provision
Day 15 03:25
By BigBroWeb
Mario offers advice to Ben as wonders why things are going wrong for him. The hungry housemates get food provision from Big Brother.And an alarm goes off after bedtime.
BB11 2nd eviction - Ben, Dave, Govan or Mario?
Day 15 14:29
By BigBroWeb
Ben, Dave, Govan and Shabby have been nominated for eviction by thier fellow housemates. Shabby saves herself and puts Mario in her place. Who do you want to leave on Friday?
Shabby defies the Tree of Temptation and reveals details of the 'Ben' task to Caoimhe
Day 13 01:20
By BigBroWeb
Shabby passed a task set by the Tree of Temptation, the details of which she was told to keep secret from the other housemates. But now she finds herself unable to keep to it.
Ife probes Caoimhe about Shabby while trying to keep the cat in the bag
Day 11 02:30
By BigBroWeb
Now she knows about Shabby's lust for Caoimhe, she decides on immediate action. To probe the love interest, but without revealing anything. Tricky.
"Should I tell Caoimhe I love her, Ife?" asks Shabby
Day 11 01:55
By BigBroWeb
Shabby's lust for her Irish pal Caoimhe is growing, and decides the time to reveal her feelings is fast approaching. She turns to Ife for advice.
Rachael becomes the first BB11 evictee
Day 10 23:01
By BigBroWeb
Beyonce lookalike Rachael White becomes the first evictee, receiving 37.5% of the vote. Fellow female nominees Shabby and Sunshine survive the vote.
"You're SO into Rachael, John-James", say Govan and Josie
Day 8 01:33
By BigBroWeb
John-James asks bathing duo, Govan and Josie for their thoughts on the Rachael issue, and they suggest that he must FANCY the Beyonce lookalike.
BB11 First eviction - Shabby, Sunshine or Rachael. Who do you want to go?
Day 7 19:00
By BigBroWeb
Shabby, Sunshine and Rachael face the eviction vote this week. But which of the female trio is trying your patience the most?
First nomination results revealed - with a cheesy twist on top
Day 7 18:15
By BigBroWeb
The first round of nominations resulted in THREE housemates facing the public vote, but a cheesy task offers one of them the chance of escape.
Big Brother's Big Mouth - The Reunion
Day 1 23:59
By BigBroWeb
Davina McCall has the housemates back in the Big Mouth studio to find out from the housemates what's been happening since they left the house, and what they think of their time in the house.
Sophie is crowned WINNER of Big Brother 2009
Day 1 23:02
By BigBroWeb
It's been a 13 week rollercoaster for 20 year old Sophie Reade, culminating in a glorious victory for the Cheshire model. She's loved, she's lost, and she's gained .. weight .. all before our eyes.
Charlie - His Interview and Best Bits
Day 1 22:35
By BigBroWeb
Charlie Drummond gets the Davina treatment in the studio, and analysis by behavioural expert Judy James. And he also gets shown his Best Bits.
Charlie is out in FOURTH place.
Day 1 22:30
By BigBroWeb
Another surprise as Charlie is announced as the housemate finishing in fourth place, as most in the house thought he would win. But never mind. He achieved his dream of giving a rose to Davina.
Rodrigo - His Interview and Best Bits
Day 1 21:45
By BigBroWeb
Rodrigo gets his moment in the spotlight. He gets a grilling from Davina in the studio and an analysis from behavioural expert Judy James. And there's the matter of his Best Bits too.
The housemate finishing in FIFTH place is ... RODRIGO
Day 1 21:30
By BigBroWeb
Not a result expected by many, but early favourite Rodrigo Lopes is named by Davina as the housemate coming out of the house first on the final night, with 11% of the vote.
Overnights - Day 92 - It's the Early Night vs Going Out With A GONG battle as housemates prepare for final
Day 92 03:20
By BigBroWeb
David and Charlie one to go out with a bang. Sophie and Rodrigo want an early night to prepare for the long day ahead. It's enough to drive Rodrigo to Pot .... Noodle.
Shut UP!! Or I'll cut the pair of you with a knife and be carried away by police officers
Day 92 03:01
By BigBroWeb
Sophie and Rodrigo want to sleep, but are being kept awake by Charlie and David who want to party on the last night before the final. And Siavash is in the middle.
Duvet act like friends? BBLB reports on Charlie and Rodrigo's under cover activities the night before
Day 92 19:01
By BigBroWeb
Charlie and Rodrigo get down to doing what only good friends do. And it begs the question. Will they go out with each other after the show?
Overnights - Day 91 - "Big Brother, PLEASE close the curtains. We're being creeped out by people behind the mirror", & "Where's Siavash? Has he been evicted?"
Day 91 03:34
By BigBroWeb
Rodrigo and Sophie get creeped out when they see people looking at them from behind the bedroom mirror. Gone midnight, they realise tomorrow is their last day, and Siavash has been missing for hours.
Poll: The Final Five - Charlie, David, Rodrigo, Siavash & Sophie - Who do you want to WIN?
Day 90 07:54
By BigBroWeb
Lisa has not long been evicted and it's dawning on the four originals that they're in the final. Do you want one of them to win, or newcomer David?
Overnights - Day 90 - "It'll be strange sleeping without Lisa. If Siavash were gay, I would have had him by now, but he'd make a good kissogram", says David
Day 90 04:20
By BigBroWeb
Housemates are watching their Day 50 movie edbut, finding the house strange without Lisa, and thinking what Siavash would be doing with David if he were gay. And he'd make a good kissogram?
Please Re-Lisa Me Let Me Go - Lisa's been evicted
Day 90 23:45
By BigBroWeb
Lisa Wallace has made it to the final week, but not the final, as the public have voted her out with 68.59% of the six way vote.
Overnights - Day 89 - "Make love to me tonight, Rodrigo", says Siavash & Charlie and Rodrigo agree to visit each other after the show
Day 89 03:14
By BigBroWeb
Housemates have watched the Day 50 video, which Siavash found humiliating. Lisa and Sophie each think they'll be first out. And could Siavash be taking a shine to the Brazilian?
Big Brother Bashes The Vash - Day 50 returns with a vengeance
Day 89 22:19
By BigBroWeb
The events of Day 50 came back to bite Siavash in the form of a task. The housemates have to re-enact them. That was the day he forsook his ex girlfriend and Marcus, and PASHED Noirin. Oh dear.
Poll: 13th Evictee - Who don't you want to see make it to Friday's final
Day 89 20:52
By BigBroWeb
The housemates facing eviction this week have been announced. The six remaining, Charlie, David, Lisa, Rodrigo, Siavash and Sophie are all in the firing line? Who to go, though?
Overnights - Day 88 - Lisa is annoyed that Freddie thinks she plotted against him, and at Charlie's nighttime scare prank
Day 88 03:35
By BigBroWeb
Lisa tells David she doesn't care about winning, will return to normal after the show, and that she's annoyed at Freddie's view of her. Then just as she gets off to sleep.. BONG! .. A FRIGHT!
When things go BONG in the night - Charlie's nightime wakeup fright makes an enemy of Lisa
Day 88 03:13
By BigBroWeb
The housemates are sleeping, or in Lisa and David's case, juts getting off to sleep. And BONG goes there chances of that. Charlie has other ideas.
Marcus gets the BBLB Treatment
Day 88 16:21
By BigBroWeb
Marcus Akin finds himself in the BBLB studios with George Lamb, where he gets asked some more questions, and David Schneider has some of his own. And he gets an arm wrestling rematch with Tom Oliver.
Overnights - Day 87 - "I want an apology from Freddie, or I won't speak to him", Lisa
Day 87 02:08
By BigBroWeb
Everyone has gone to bed early. Rodrigo and Sophie whisper in bed, and Lisa and David get up for one last smoke, and says Freddie owes her an apology if they meet up again.
Overnights - Day 86 - Rodrigo says Charlie is jealous of the closeness with Sophie, and Lisa wants Siavash to get his clothes back
Day 86 03:05
By BigBroWeb
More questions than answers really. Does Charlie feel excluded from the Rodrigo-Sophie friendship? Does Lisa really want Siavash to cover up? Does Rodrigo really think Sophie will date Marcus?
Marcus - The Interviews
Day 86 23:59
By BigBroWeb
Davina, Grace Dent and Andi Peters grill Marcus on his time in the house. Also Marcus being interviewed on Big Mouth, alongside BBLB's George Lamb
Marcus's Best Bits - The Irrepressible Dark Horse in Action
Day 86 23:30
By BigBroWeb
Marcus Akin was probably the most consistently rebellious character in Big Brother's history. And here are the Irrepressible Dark Horse's best bits.
The Wolf Man has been sent packing - Marcus has been evicted
Day 86 23:01
By BigBroWeb
Marcus Akin became the 12th evictee tonight with 64% of the vote, against Siavash. After having survived numerous public votes, he finally bows out one week before the final.
Overnights - Day 85 - Siavash,"Let's keep in touch regularly" - Sophie "There'll be no work for me as I've done topless modelling"
Day 85 02:42
By BigBroWeb
Siavash and Sophie agree to keep in touch regularly after the show. Sophie reckons there'll be no work waiting for her as a topless model. Marcus hopes Cat Woman is waiting for him.
Overnights - Day 84 - "I think you might DIE Sophie, eating that Monster Heart Attack burger", says Marcus, who's dying himself with a sore bum
Day 84 03:33
By BigBroWeb
Sophie tucks into a late night Monster Heart Attack burger, Marcus has a sore rump. The housemates now know who's up or eviction, and Sophie is on the lookout for more booze.
This is Big Brother - Will Sophie please BACK OFF from my man, gorgeous Barry in the production team.
Day 83 03:40
By BigBroWeb
Sophie was talking of her disappointment not to see gorgeous Barry, a production team member, in the camera run today, and a female Big Brother voice boomed this is not allowed. Jealousy perhaps?
Overnights - Day 83 - Nominees Siavash and Marcus take turns to banter with Sophie and Charlie attempts to lock Siavash in the bathroom
Day 83 03:22
By BigBroWeb
The housemates don't yet know who's facing the vote this week, but Siavash and Marcus each banters with booze sozzled Sophie. Cheekie chappie Charlie thinks it would be fun to lock up Siavash.
Sophie dashes The Vash, "I like my men manly,tall, skinny,tattoos,Afros, not small, hairy,long haired, long beard, flamboyant, or high heel wearing"
Day 83 03:02
By BigBroWeb
They're only mucking about (perhaps), but Sophie dashes Siavash's of him ever going out with her, and tells him the type of guys she goes for. And he ain't it.
Overnights - Day 82 - Charlie clashes with Siavash over his noms refusal tactics
Day 82 04:02
By BigBroWeb
It's nominations day, and the housemates are guessing who will miss out on the final week. Charlie has something to stay about Siavash's tactics.
Overnights - Day 81 - Sophie & Rodrigo play at doggies, Rodrigo likes to watch TV naked
Day 81 04:43
By BigBroWeb
Sophie and Rodrigo play at being doggies and wonder why they don't do it more often, even though it gives Sophie carpet burns. Rodrigo shocks the others when he tells them he watches TV naked at home.
Overnights - Day 80 - Housemates wrestle with thoughts of ... wrestling, relationships and life after the show.
Day 80 03:52
By BigBroWeb
Earlier the housemates were wrestling each other, and good fun it seemed to be too. So they talk about that. But thoughts of life after the show, as going out, and relationships, come up again.
You must have noticed, Sophie. Angel and Sophia liked me. Sophia used to call me Sexy Marcus
Day 80 03:48
By BigBroWeb
Marcus, Sophie and Charlie are talking about relationships, and Sophie is surprised to hear Marcus's revelation that the departed Angel and Sophia both liked him.
Overnights - Day 79 - Sophie rues her words the night before about Kris, and "No more nominations - The public should decide"
Day 79 04:20
By BigBroWeb
Sophie thinks what she said about Kris the night before makes her a bitch and she wants to be nominated and evicted. The housemates decide they don't want to nominate anymore.
Sophie tells Charlie, "I heard you and Rodrigo kissing last night"
Day 79 04:02
By BigBroWeb
Sophie feels under fire with the magazine article's claim that she had sex in the house with Kris. One way to deal with this is to bring Charlie down with her.
For whom the bathtime belle tolls - Surely not for thee, Bea?
Day 78 05:19
By BigBroWeb
Eviction hour is looming, and Bea looks HOT favourite for the boot. But.. maybe the bathtime belle can stir up some levels of support. A wave to the camera? A shy sounding 'Hello'? A little too late?
Overnights - Day 78 - Sophie's "Kris is SO 110% dumped, I'm not pregnant, fat and did not have sex", & Marcus's "Bea, you're no longer a mingebag"
Day 78 05:11
By BigBroWeb
Kris has done a deal with the magazines, who are running stories that Sophie is fat, pregnant and had sex in the house ... she's DUMPED him. Also does Marcus had a growing fondness for Bea?
Overnights - Day 77 - Bea's sexual frustration and Lisa wants her ex brought to the show.
Day 77 03:59
By BigBroWeb
Bea is suffering from sexual tension and her favourite Big Brother is ignoring her. She's thinking of turning to he beard trimmer. Lisa wants her ex brought to the house if she makes it to the final.
Marcus - "Bea, my under the duvet deeds are borne out of necessity"
Day 77 03:30
By BigBroWeb
Bea is considering ways to handle her sexual tension, and tells Marcus she's ruling out his method for dealing with it. And he tells her what he does isn't to handle sexual frustration.
Bea's sexual frustration
Day 77 03:20
By BigBroWeb
Bea suffers from sexual frustration in the house, and it helps her to listen to the sexy voice of one particular Big Brother. But now it seems he's avoiding her.
Marcus .. He Man (or Hee Hee Man) of Comedy and his effect on the house
Day 77 19:10
By BigBroWeb
While Sophie is being described as 'Eating like a pig, looking like a cow', Marcus declares himself practically the He Man of Comedy, as the house adjusts to his brand of humour.
Overnights - Day 76 - House of Horrors task turns housemates into zombies, werewolves, ... and Bea-sts.
Day 76 05:50
By BigBroWeb
The housemates are engaged in the House of Horrors task ans must become zombies and werewolves. Bea is worried about solving her money problems, and Lisa and David decide she's a big drama queen.
Poll: 11th Eviction - Bea, David or Marcus - Who to vote out?
Day 76 18:45
By BigBroWeb
Bea Hamill, David Ramsden and Marcus Akin have found out that they have been nominated for eviction by their peers, this week. So whose absence do you want to see from saturday onwards?
Refusal brings about first encounter nominations for Siavash
Day 75 18:30
By BigBroWeb
Siavash is refusing to nominate. And he's decided to face the consequences. But Big Brother has a cunning trick up his sleeve, and it's nomination by first encounter ... and second.
Overnights - Day 74 - Bea is upset at mum's no show and threatens to leave, Sophie talks about chihuahua handling.
Day 74 04:10
By BigBroWeb
Bea is upset with Rodrigo laughing at her and the fact that her mum didn't show for the messages from home, and threatens to leave the house. Sophie gets a chance to talk about chihuahua handling.
Sophie's bedtime banter with The Vash
Day 74 03:52
By BigBroWeb
Kris didn't get much banter out of Sophie, but there are no such problems between her and Siavash. Here, it's banter before bedtime as The Vash is on the receiving end of her witty tongue.
Highlight Show Day 74 - Hologram messages from home
Day 74 23:21
By BigBroWeb
The housemates are surprised when they get messages from home, hologram style. However where most are thrilled with the event, Bea manages to find fault with her message.
Bea's misery at Rodrigo's missing ma misfortune mirth
Day 74 20:17
By BigBroWeb
Bea is upset that her mummy didn't show up to give her a message. And Rodrigo finds it so funny, he has to share his mirth with the other housemates, heaping more misery on poor Bea
Overnights - Day 73 - Bea loves a Big Brother, the space hopper is almost nailed, and a mouth watering end to the night.
Day 73 02:00
By BigBroWeb
Bea really fancies the Big Brother on duty, and David is jealous. Lisa questions Bea's whinging. A nail in the grass almost ends the space hoppers life, and Bea finds Charlie to be mouth watering.
Charlie's prank turns sour as he drenches Bea with a mouthful of water
Day 73 01:43
By BigBroWeb
It's bedtime, and Bea and Charlie are taking great delight in scaring each another. But things take a turn for the worse when he unleashes an expected mouthful of water.
Rodrigo becomes MAD-rigo as he is kept awake by drunken housemates
Day 72 05:13
By BigBroWeb
Charlie and some of the housemates have been awake with booze most of the night. Rodrigo is trying to sleep, and they won't let him, and yet again, he loses it and gets called to the diary room.
Overnights - Day 72 - Housemates drink to departed Freddie, Sophie gets drunk, Charlie cries, and Rodrigo loses temper (again).
Day 72 05:00
By BigBroWeb
Housemates start the night drinking to Freddie, Charlie's in tears, Sophie wonders if Kris is waiting for him.Rodrigo becomes angered yet again.
I'm a-Fred you've been evicted - Freddie's OUT!!
Day 72 23:15
By BigBroWeb
The housemate formally known as Halfwit, Freddie George-Fisher, as this weeks evictee, as he receives 53% of the vote against Marcus Akin.
Dogface and Halfwit are no more
Day 72 12:16
By BigBroWeb
The housemates formally known as Dogface and Halfwit got their special prize at last. And it wasn't as exciting as the fan mail prize that Marcus received.
Overnights - Day 71 - Dogface is bathtime beauty, Marcus could survive over Halfwit? .. And marry Crazy Catlady?
Day 71 02:29
By BigBroWeb
Dogface is a bathing beauty. Marcus is told he could survive over Halfwit in this weeks eviction. Lisa tells him she can see a softer side to him. Oh, and Dogface bathes.
Overnights - Day 70 - "If you can't take it don't give it out" night - Halfwit to upset & teary Bea after row with Marcus about verdict of Halfwit treatment
Day 70 05:54
By BigBroWeb
Halfwit is awaken by row where Bea is upset as Marcus gives his opinion on her treatment of Halfwit and how it will be seen by the public.
Overnights - Day 69 - We could fool Rodrigo with a bogus Queen & Bea,Lisa have a "money isn't everything" convo.
Day 69 04:03
By BigBroWeb
New pals Lisa and Bea are chat about money, sex, and sexuality issues. Marcus thinks about what he'd like to take with him when he leaves. And there's talk of the Queen paying a visit.
"The Queen's coming to meet Rodrigo tomorrow, Charlie. Fight him in front of her and grab him in a headlock", dares Marcus
Day 69 03:55
By BigBroWeb
As part of the current shopping task, a fake Queen may be coming to meet Rodrigo. Marcus and Charlie's imaginations run wild as they think of things to liven up the "Royal" encounter.
Poll: 10th eviction nominations results - Halfwit v Marcus - Who do you want to go?
Day 69 18:26
By BigBroWeb
The 10th eviction nominations result is revealed. And it's the irrepressible dark horse Marcus, and the free loving posh chappie Halfwit. Which set of adjectives to you want to eject?
"I want to watch Big Brother and start arguments on the Big Brother forums", says Marcus
Day 68 01:58
By BigBroWeb
Marcus is Akin to leave the house, so he can watch Big Brother, start arguments on the forums, and influence people's votes on the shows.
Halfwit walks in on Bea telling new friends "Halfwit thinks I talk behind his back"
Day 68 01:48
By BigBroWeb
Bea is in the bedroom telling her new pals about the difficult situation she's now in regarding Halfwit, and his paranoia. And he walks in on them. Tense is the word.
Overnights - Day 68 - "Don't worry about Bea" Marcus & Siavash tell Halfwit, and Bea worries about Halfwit
Day 68 01:38
By BigBroWeb
Halfwit, Marcus and Siavash discuss nominations, handling pressure in the house, difficult housemates and sex. Bea talks to the others in the bedroom about her difficulties with Halfwit
"You're NEGATIVE!!", Bea blasts Halfwit as she moves bed away from his
Day 68 19:06
By BigBroWeb
Bea likes to think she deals with all negative people the same way. And by this evidence it seems it's done by moving beds away and repeatedly calling them ... negative.
A surprised Dogface tells Rodrigo, "My boobs have GROWN"
Day 68 18:14
By BigBroWeb
Dogface is having trouble doing up her bra. And soon comes to the conclusion that her boobs gotten bigger.
Poll: Halfwit's Changing Fortunes
Day 67 05:44
By BigBroWeb
Halfwit has been having a hard time of it the last couple of days. But is he now being found out? Or will he bounce back? Is he already a winner? Or don't you care?
Overnights - Day 67 - Bea and Halfwit fall out over each other's negativity, and Bea is supported by Lisa, Charlie and David
Day 67 02:06
By BigBroWeb
A rift grows when Bea tells Halfwit he's negative, analyses everything and paranoid. Halfwit says she's guilt-mongering and negative. But Bea has support from Lisa, David and Charlie.
"Your meddling is unnecessary, you're negative and you're paranoid", Bea tells Halfwit
Day 67 20:43
By BigBroWeb
Bea launches an attack on Halfwit saying that he engages in "unnecessary meddling negativity", and that he's not as clever as he thinks he is. Controversial.
Halfwit, Marcus and Siavash form the Three Amigo's to defy Big Brother
Day 67 18:41
By BigBroWeb
Halfwit, Marcus and Siavash aren't in the mood to jump to the call of Big Brother's morning alarm clock. They're not in the mood to do much obeying at all.
Dogface finds Marcus's cigarette stash, causes a row, and asks to be nominated.
Day 66 05:11
By BigBroWeb
Dogface finds cigarettes under Marcus's bed, and spills the beans to the others. This raises suspicion, then a row, then her wish to be nominated. Will it raise punishment from Big Brother?
Overnights - Day 66 - Uproar when Dogface finds Marcus's cigarette stash, and she asks to be nominated, Siavash and Marcus mistrust Bea
Day 66 04:52
By BigBroWeb
Dogface has found some cigarettes, and it starts a row. She's asked to be put up for eviction. Charlie is angered Halfwit's scheming talk and Siavash and Marcus are suspicious of Bea
Housemates in shock at Hira's departure - And reflect on her time in the house
Day 65 05:46
By BigBroWeb
The housemates are shocked that it was Hira's name that Davina called out. There are 3 main schools of thought on the evictee. Bea/Halfwit's, Dogface/Rodrigo/Charlie's ... and Marcus's.
Overnights - Day 65 - Hira's shock eviction has Bea and Halfwit doubting her character
Day 65 03:18
By BigBroWeb
Each of the housemates thought it might be them leaving tonight, but is shocked that it was Hira. Most think she was nice, but Bea and Halfwit doubt her character.
"I'm not the most hated person then, out there", says Lisa
Day 65 23:50
By BigBroWeb
The word in the house is that Halfwit is popular on the outside, and that Lisa is hated. This led Lisa to believe that could be the one who is evicted. So it's a nice surprise for her that she isn't.
Hira's Best Bits
Day 65 23:46
By BigBroWeb
Hira Habibshah was quiet in the house and didn't mix a lot with the others, but she had a few memorable moments. Dodgy quality singing and and winning the talent contest to name but two.
She's not Hir-anymore, she's been EVICTED
Day 65 23:25
By BigBroWeb
Hira Habibshah became the ninth evictee as she received the lowest percentage of the vote, 5.65%. But she got a decent reception from the eviction crowd.
The Queen would have to separate you and Charlie from arguing should you both go to the Palace
Day 64 05:30
By BigBroWeb
In the aftermath of the row with Charlie, Rodrigo has regrets as it may look bad to the Queen, who may be watching. Marcus jokes that Her Majesty would have to separate the bickering pair.
Mad-rigo - Rodrigo sees red... when Charlie wets his bed
Day 64 05:21
By BigBroWeb
The housemates had just thrown Halfwit in the pool and were now coming for Rodrigo. He wasn't having it, and when he sees that Charlie has wet his bed, it was like a red rag to a bull.
Dogface debags Halfwit ... and spots Semiwit
Day 64 04:30
By BigBroWeb
It's bedtime, and the housemates have had plenty of food and drink, and it puts Dogface in the mood for fun. She debags Halfwit, and after he gets thrown in the pool, she reveals she saw his Semiwit.
Overnights - Day 64 - "Last night for one of us" frolics has Rodrigo upset again
Day 64 04:07
By BigBroWeb
There's lots of food and drink, and the housemates are all happy. it's the last night for one of them so they have a night of fun. But as usual, Rodrigo gets upset and called to the diary room.
Overnights - Day 63 - "Marcus, you're supposed my friend, tell me when I'm being a pain", says Bea
Day 63 02:58
By BigBroWeb
Bea is worried about friday's eviction, and asks Marcus was she really a whingey mingebag ... and if so, why didn't he tell her. She also wants to nick cakes and snuggle with Halfwit.
Overnights - Day 62 - "It's out of me, Bea, Lisa and David who'll be going Friday", says Marcus
Day 62 03:00
By BigBroWeb
Halfwit talks mycology. Marcus and Dogface air their grievances. Marcus thinks its out of himself, David, Bea and Lisa to go.
'Alice in Wonderland' Hira must drink, eat cake, and be sad
Day 62 22:14
By BigBroWeb
Hira lands the part of Alice in the Alice in Wonderland shopping task. She must drink from a bottle labelled 'Drink Me', eat from a cake to find a key, then cry. It's a marathon task.
Marcus will 'punk' David out?
Day 62 19:50
By BigBroWeb
In a heated argument following the noms results reaction, Marcus said he'll 'punk' David out, but David hears the word 'punch'. And let's just say things don't improve from there.
'All face for the public vote' nominations result from rule breaks cause uproar
Day 62 19:32
By BigBroWeb
Marcus and Siavash broke nomination rules, resulting in all the housemates facing the vote. This caused Halfwit to gloat over Lisa and David, and Marcus revel in his mis-deeds, while Hira eats cake.
Poll: 9th Eviction ... Who do you want to SAVE from getting the boot?
Day 62 18:53
By BigBroWeb
Marcus and Bea received the most nominations this week, but because of Marcus's and Siavash's rule breaks, they all now face the vote, and this time .. it's POSITIVE. So who do you want to save?
Overnights - Day 61 - Will there be new housemates, perhaps a girl for each boy? & Is Hira too nice?
Day 61 02:30
By BigBroWeb
Marcus is in jail, and he and Siavash discuss the possibility that Big Brother may have something planned for them. A girl for each of them? And they decide Hira may just be too nice.
Marcus and Siavash explore Hira's attitude in the house ... and to sex
Day 61 02:10
By BigBroWeb
Siavash and jailed Marcus discuss Hira's behaviour in the house, from her dash to the diary room when she first entered, to now. And also what kind of wife she might be.
Big Brother is starting with the Man with the Mirror to make that change
Day 61 20:13
By BigBroWeb
Marcus is the Man with the Mirror, well temporarily while he pulled it from the wall to create a blind spot to ... do his private business. But Big Brother wants him to change.
Rodrigo's surprise chance to write a letter to the Queen
Day 61 17:01
By BigBroWeb
Big Brother has a wonderful surprise for Rodrigo Lopes. They're giving the Brazillian the chance to write a letter to the QUEEN.
Overnights - Day 60 - Sweet hysteria & Evolution and the effects of technology on society
Day 60 04:31
By BigBroWeb
ADDED CLIP - Housemates have fun with alcohol and a jar of creepy crawly sweets. Bea and Marcus discuss evolution and technology, and Bea tells Halfwit she doesn't fancy him.
Bea told - I'm not a hippie and I don't fancy you, Halfwit
Day 60 03:10
By BigBroWeb
Bea's trying to get some sleep, and Halfwit decides now is the time to have another go at winning her over. Enough is enough, and Bea stings him with some home truths. Now will he let it Bea?
"I'm getting fat, but I just can't stop eating" Dogface gasses floored Vash while downing sweets
Day 60 03:01
By BigBroWeb
The housemates have been given a jar of sweets. But is this what aspiring model Dogface needs right now, especially with her expanding tum?
Poll: Who broke Siavash's heart?
Day 59 07:52
By BigBroWeb
Siavash Sabbaghpour had his heart broken over the last week. But who's fault was it? Noirin being evicted would suggest that the public blames her, but there were other factors. What do you think?
Siavash wants to be taken out the game, but speaks in riddles. Is it all bull?
Day 59 04:30
By BigBroWeb
Bea Charlie and Marcus are made aware of sulky Siavash's plan to be 'taken out of the game'. But the Iranian as usual is very vague on the subject. They can't make him out. Can you?
Overnights - Day 59 - Siavash wants out of the game, but speaks in riddles, housemates discuss ear and bum shapes, and the prize money.
Day 59 04:11
By BigBroWeb
Some housemates get alcohol. Rodrigo is upset, Siavash wants out of the game, but some thinks he speaks in riddles. Bea says doing care work has changed her life, now Charlie wants to do it.
Overnights - Day 58 - Housemates accuse Noirin of being a game player now she's left, but Charlie defends her, Rodrigo & Charlie argue over sausages.
Day 58 03:39
By BigBroWeb
Noirin's been evicted but she has her man in tow, so housemates discuss all her bad points ... all except Charlie. And Charlie falls out with Rodrigo, over a sausage.
Daddy's bottled It - Isaac walks out the house and joins Noirin on the Big Mouth set.
Day 58 00:16
By BigBroWeb
Isaac Stout couldn't handle life in the house without Noirin. So he promptly walk out and join her on the set of Big Brother's Big Mouth.
Isaac's Silly Dance
Day 58 23:30
By BigBroWeb
Isaac is alone by himself. So he does a silly song and dance with his reflection in the mirror.
Noirin's Best Bits
Day 58 23:15
By BigBroWeb
Noirin Kelly has been in the house for 58 days. She endeared herself to everyone when she dispelled the myth that she was just a pretty face, but a lot more was to come from the Dublin lass.
She's Noirin the house anymore, she's been EVICTED!!
Day 58 22:50
By BigBroWeb
Serial heart breaker Noirin Kelly became the 8th evictee tonight with 60% of the vote.
Bea in a bonnet about "attention seeker" Noirin
Day 58 18:30
By BigBroWeb
Bea Hamill is now very annoyed at Noirin Kelly's treatment of Siavash Sabbaghpour. And she's making feelings on the matter very clear to Noirin and Isaac.
Overnights - Day 57 - Bea heads up 'Team Marcus' in fight against NoiSaac, and has Isaac told them they've all fallen from the Rectum Tree?
Day 57 03:54
By BigBroWeb
Civil war seems to have broken out in the house. Bea is heading up Team Marcus, supporting him against Noirin. Isaac seems to have told them they've all fallen from the Rectum Tree. Nice.
"Daddy's BACK!!" -- First clips of Isaac's entry and impact on Noirin, Siavash ... and Bea
Day 57 18:15
By BigBroWeb
BBLB's George Lamb shows clips of Isaac Stout's arrival and entry into the house. And captures the shock of all the housemates.
"Why did I come into the House? Because I missed you and wanted to see you,.... and I wanted the £100k"
Day 56 05:01
By BigBroWeb
Noirin was beginning to think that Isaac had come all this way to rescue her, so she asked him why did he come into the house, and wasn't too impressed with his answer.
Overnights - Day 56 - Isaac Stout arrives, reunites with Noirin and argues with Bea, and Siavash rejected
Day 56 04:02
By BigBroWeb
Isaac's arrival has Noirin running back into his arms, and has an argument Bea. Siavash feels rejected, while Marcus cheers up.
Isaac Stout enters the house TONIGHT
Day 56 18:24
By BigBroWeb
BBLB's George Lamb has announced that Isaac Stout, Noirin Kelly's ex, will be going into the house tonight as a BRAND NEW HOUSEMATE.
Overnights - Day 55 - Marcus wants to be alone for some 'M' time, but Big Brother's all seeing eye is everywhere.
Day 55 02:00
By BigBroWeb
The housemates have gone to bed early but Marcus is trying to find a quiet place to himself, but beady eyes are watching his every move Siavash spoons Noirin in bed.
Poll - 8th Eviction - Marcus or Noirin to go?
Day 55 18:36
By BigBroWeb
Marcus Akin and Noirin Kelly have been put up for eviction this week. The rift between them has given their colleagues reason to nominate them. Do you have reason to evict one of them?
Everything that comes out of Tom's mouth are the words of a t*t
Day 54 04:40
By BigBroWeb
Bea Hamill is feeling a little uneasy, and some of the things Tom Oliver said before he left hasn't help. Marcus Akin puts her mind and rest and convinces her that he's not worth listening to.
Rodrigo ties up Dogface and turns her into a DOG!! Dogwego!!
Day 54 04:15
By BigBroWeb
Rodrigo has been having fun with Charlie tonight, and now he turns his attention to Dogface. That's not the only turning he does. He makes her become a DOG!
Overnights - Day 54 - Rodrigo interrogates Noirin & SiaVash, Dogface & Bea comforts Marcus, Dogface does it doggie style
Day 54 03:31
By BigBroWeb
Rodrigo leads the investigate into the NoiVash relationship. Dogface spends time with Marcus, Bea's worried about Halfwit's sleazy behaviour, and Dogface goes all canine.
Siavash tries to speak to Marcus, but finding the words to say proves difficult
Day 54 20:32
By BigBroWeb
Marcus has been in solitarity, silent contemplation ever since Noirin pledged herself to Siavash, who now wants to be there for Marcus, and so, tries to break the silence.
Crossfire - Noirin and Marcus nominate EACH OTHER for eviction
Day 54 18:07
By BigBroWeb
The rift between Marcus Akin and Noirin Kelly deepens ... as they nominate each other for eviction this week.
Poll: Why did Tom quit the Big Brother House?
Day 53 04:58
By BigBroWeb
Tom Oliver spent only 8 days in the house before deciding to walk out. He says he only went in to experience it, and he'd now done it. But what if he left for a different reason?
Rodrigo talks about Portuguese insults - But whatever could 'Idiota' mean?
Day 53 04:00
By BigBroWeb
Rodrigo talks to Marcus and Dogface that he curses in Portuguese, and when he explains he uses the word "Idiota", Dogface has to find out it's meaning.
Overnights - Day 53 - Housemates prescribe 'hug' remedies all round, but Siavash wants more than that from Noirin
Day 53 03:18
By BigBroWeb
The house is a gloomy place at present, so Halfwit and Bea decide that housemates should hug each other. Siavash is trying to get closer to Noirin, but must beware of melancholy Marcus.
"Why I walked out the house", Tom - His interview and his best bits
Day 53 15:32
By BigBroWeb
Tom Oliver walked out of the Big Brother house in the early hours, and walked into the Big Brother's Little Brother studio, where George Lamb found time to interview him and show his best bits.
Strewth, there goes the neighbourhood - it's KARLY Minogue
Day 53 15:01
By BigBroWeb
Karly Ashworth is on Big Brother's Little Brother for the second Sunday in a row, and she's singing Kylie Minogue's UK debut hit "I should be so lucky".
Noirin and Dogface share their woes in the wake of Tom's departure.
Day 52 06:02
By BigBroWeb
Noirin Kelly is upset that Tom has walked out and Marcus is happy about it. Sophie "Dogface" Reade is upset because Tom cast doubts over her house boyfriend Kris.
Tom quits the Big Brother house - And leaves Noirin and Dogface upset.
Day 52 05:39
By BigBroWeb
Newcomer Tom Oliver can't handle it any more. He thinks most of the housemates are delusional in thinking the experience will make them famous, so he quits, unsettling Noirin and Dogface in his wake.
Overnights - Day 52 - Tom walks out, Noirin and Dogface upset & housemates wonder if this is the worst BB
Day 52 04:34
By BigBroWeb
Tom Oliver calls it a day and walks out. Noirin and Dogface get upset, and the housemates wonder if it's the worst series of the show with three walkouts already.
Noirin confesses to Marcus - But has she dashed the Vash?
Day 51 05:30
By BigBroWeb
Urged on by Bea, Noirin decides to confess the kiss she shared with Siavash to a desperately disappointed Marcus. But she says nothing more will be happening with the Iranian.
"The rabbit you saw was really a dinosaur", Dogface reveals to Siavash
Day 51 05:05
By BigBroWeb
Dogface explains that the "rabbit" motions that Siavash saw Karly and Kris doing could have been the dinosaur impressions that they were doing of Marcus. Is BunnyGate now resolved?
Overnights - Day 51 - Marcus and Tom arguing forces Noirin to confess Siavash kiss & BunnyGate resolved.
Day 51 03:56
By BigBroWeb
A WHOPPING 14 CLIPS ADDED. Marcus confronting Tom about his plans for Noirin leads to anger. And this leads to Bea convincing Noirin to cool it with Siavash, to confess to Marcus, and to forget Tom.
Kenneth's Best Bits
Day 51 23:30
By BigBroWeb
Kenneth Tong came into the house, and minutes later his girlfriend Karly was evicted. In less than a week, he boasted his wealth, he flirted, showed his meaner side, and there was that escape.
Noivash romance blossoming in the house, but will Marcus nip it in the bud?
Day 50 11:17
By BigBroWeb
Noirin shyly admits to Big Brother that she has feelings for Siavash, but thier blossoming romance has to be kept secret from over protective Marcus. But for how long?
Noirin pashes the Vash while flirting with dashing Tom
Day 50 04:43
By BigBroWeb
Would-be lover Marcus Akin languishes in the BB jailhouse, while femme fatale Noirin Kelly enjoys steamy snogs with Siavash ... at the same time flirting with hunk Tom Oliver. NoiVash alert.
Overnights - Day 50 - Marcus behind bars, NoiVash emergent?, Noirin starts 'Charlie, you're too close to Lisa and next to be evicted' row
Day 50 02:58
By BigBroWeb
UPDATED CLIPS - Charlie is upset when Noirin says as Lisa's friend, he's next to be evicted. Noirin and Siavash get closer as Marcus languishes behind bars. Tom considers leaving behind the paranoia
Kenneth on his escape - "I did the right thing, the honourable thing, I did it for Karly"
Day 50 18:28
By BigBroWeb
His Big Brother experience went a bit "Ken Tong" when told to get Karly's contraceptive pills. This led to his decision to escape, and he says it was the right and honourable thing to do.
Marcus helps Kenneth in daring rooftop escape from the House
Day 49 05:59
By BigBroWeb
Kenneth Tong realised there was no other way out. Well there was, but he wanted to leave as a legend. When the others had finally gone to bed, aided by Marcus, he makes his escape.
Overnights - Day 49 - Hungry housemates steal food and has Karly left a note for Kenneth?
Day 49 02:27
By BigBroWeb
The housemates face a basic shopping budget after failing the shopping task. They steal from the kebab shop. Also it seems Karly had left a note behind for Kenneth.
Overnights - Day 48 - Karly gets a message to Kenneth - Siavash fancies Noirin - Charlie tells David Rodrigo fancies him
Day 48 04:38
By BigBroWeb
UPDATED CLIPS - With the kebab task under way, Big Brother tells Kenneth to find Karly's medication she left behind, Siavash makes a play for Noirin, Charlie tells David that Rodrigo fancies him.
From quick off the Marcus to Vash and burn
Day 48 04:31
By BigBroWeb
Noirin Kelly is getting attention from all sides. She's feeling the pressure from Marcus Akin so runs to the Diary Room. When she comes out, Siavash throws his hat into the ring.
Birth control pill request has Kenneth wondering if he's picked the right girl
Day 48 02:13
By BigBroWeb
Evicted Karly Ashworth has left her birth control pills in the house and Big Brother has called boyfriend Kenneth Tong to look for them. He is not amused.
"I'll speak to Kenneth when he gets out", says Karly
Day 48 19:10
By BigBroWeb
Karly Ashworth joined George Lamb in the BBLB studios to answer questions on Kenneth Tongs behaviour in the house.
Kenneth gets a Big Brother warning for threatening behaviour
Day 48 17:21
By BigBroWeb
It's all going wrong for Kenneth Tong. He tells Charlie that his problems with Bea Hamill would be sorted in the outside world. This gets to Bea, who now feels threatened.
Poll: 8th Eviction - Who do you want to see kicked out?
Day 48 14:42
By BigBroWeb
Eleven housemates up this week, including all 5 newcomers. So it's quite a choice. You could probably could pick more than one. But you can't.
Overnights - Day 47 - 11 up for the vote and Rodrigo plays joke on housemates
Day 47 03:43
By BigBroWeb
Late night on Day 47, and all the housemate save for Lisa and Rodrigo face eviction. Charlie shave's Rodrigo's legs in the bath, and the Brazilian plays a trick on the housemates.
Overnights - Day 46
Day 46 09:46
By BigBroWeb
4 ADDED CLIPS - Dogface worried by Kenneth's attentions, Marcus is worried that Noirin doesn't find him attractive but Charlie & Rodrigo aren't worried and engage in bedtime chat.
Day 45 Overnights - Marcus and Noirin Targets Tom
Day 45 06:17
By BigBroWeb
Noirin says it's an emotional balancing act with Marcus, Bea says she only likes Halfwit as a friend, Tom makes enemies of Noirin and Marcus.
"Are you a sexual pervert, Bea" asks Marcus
Day 45 20:37
By BigBroWeb
Some of the housemates think that with Marcus Akin, matters of a sexual nature are never far from his mind. Bea Hamill is now finding that out for herself.
"Marcus, you should give up on Noirin" says Charlie
Day 44 06:01
By BigBroWeb
In an early morning discussion about the role of the new housemates, Charlie takes the chance to tell Marcus he has no chance with Noirin, and to leave it.
Overnights - Day 44 - Kenneth, Bea, David, Hira and Tom's first night in the house.
Day 44 05:30
By BigBroWeb
Karly's evicted, her boyfriend Kenneth is now in the house, along with Bea, David, Tom and Hira. The original housemates wonder if each newcomer has been paired with one of them.
We can show the real life in Pakistan and Iran, say Hira and Siavash
Day 44 03:00
By BigBroWeb
Siavash Sabbaghpour and new housemate Hira Habibshah agree that them being on the show gives viewers a chance to know what it's really like to live in their countries.
David and Siavash discuss sexuality issues
Day 44 02:30
By BigBroWeb
Gay new housemate David Ramsden reveals who he fancies in the house, and what it was like to come out. Siavash talks about the issues with his dad and family.
It's the high road for Karly - She's been evicted
Day 44 23:30
By BigBroWeb
It's strife for the lass from Fife. Karly Ashworth has been evicted with 50.4% of the vote, in a cruel twist after being reunited with her boyfriend for a only a matter of minutes.
Highlight Show Day 44 - Karly's OUT, her boyfriend's IN, with FOUR other newcomers
Day 44 23:18
By BigBroWeb
Marcus and Noirin go on a date, and Dogface and her dog are temporarily reunited. Karly and her feller Kenneth are also temporarily reunited, as she's evicted and he enters with 4 others.
Could be it 'oil' over for Rodrigo?
Day 43 08:53
By BigBroWeb
It's party time, and the housemates are revelling in song, dance and booze. But Rodrigo is getting aggressive, upsetting Noirin, then throwing water and oil about. Could it be oil over for him?
Overnights - Day 43
Day 43 05:18
By BigBroWeb
Video clips from the night following day 43. Includes the infamous Charlie and Rodrigo oil fight.
Karly's Smoke Trail - Her quest for a ciggie
Day 43 02:53
By BigBroWeb
It's a hard life when you're a smoker, and you don't have any fags. Karly Ashworth discovered this, and went soon embarked on an emotional journey. Will her hopes of getting a ciggie end up in smoke?
Revolting housemates stage rooftop protest
Day 42 19:11
By BigBroWeb
The housemates are feeling mightily deprived. They desperately need more food, drink and tobacco. A brainstorming of ideas results in the decision to stage a rooftop protest.
Karly, "My boobs have grown out of my eviction dress"
Day 41 04:59
By BigBroWeb
Karly and her boobs can't fit into her eviction dress, Rodrigo, Siavash and Charlie try out plumping lip gloss, and nominee Noirin resurrects the Rabbit Row.
Who sang all the Pie's? It's Dogface and Michelle Bass
Day 41 21:07
By BigBroWeb
Dogface has it all to do. She's up against BB5's Michelle Bass singing the hymn Pie Jesu, and it's the public who decides who is the better performer.
When Federico met Noirin - It's gymkhana time
Day 41 19:32
By BigBroWeb
When BB4's Federico Martone met Noirin Kelly for the gymkhana contest, there was lots of horsey fun to be had. But the fun turned to sadness in the house when he gave her some bad news.
Federico leaks news of Michael Jackson's death to the housemates
Day 41 19:10
By BigBroWeb
Visiting former housemate Federico Martone let slip to a shocked Noirin Kelly that Michael Jackson had passed away, breaking the rule that housemates should not know about the outside world.
Poll - 7th Eviction - Karly, Noirin, Siavash or Dogface?
Day 40 19:09
By BigBroWeb
The nominations results are in, and it's official. Karly, Noirin, Siavash and Dogface face eviction this week. Who do you want to give their marching orders?
Kris Donnelly tells all about life, love, Dogface and .. tattoos
Day 39 15:29
By BigBroWeb
After a day of freedom from BB incarceration, Kris Donnelly drops in on Big Brother Little Brother to tell George Lamb about BB afterlife, Dogface, rabbit lies and ... tattoos.
Dogface and Siavash face the public vote + nominations take place today
Day 39 13:13
By BigBroWeb
Dogface and Siavash were given a chance escape punishment for talking noms. They must go without swearing till 3pm today. Also nominations are taking place TODAY.
Overnights - Day 37 - Kris evicted. Housemates discuss possible reasons for it, Dogface upset about it, and Lisa eyes up extra food share created by it.
Day 37 05:50
By BigBroWeb
Kris has been evicted, and some are quick to get across their points of view about it. Dogface struggles with her feelings about the departee. Lisa finds a positive in the midst of sadness.
Kris's Eviction - The Reactions
Day 37 05:05
By BigBroWeb
Kris Donnelly's eviction and departure stunned his friends and delighted other residents in the Big Brother house. Some of the reactions are captured here.
Housemates old and new on the way for Big Brother's tenth anniversary
Day 37 23:15
By BigBroWeb
Davina McCall announced tonight that from Monday, ex housemates from each series will be dropping in on the house each day. And as an added bonues, a NEW crop of housemates will also be arriving.
Kris's Best Bits
Day 37 23:01
By BigBroWeb
Kris Donnelly spent 37 days in the house, time which passed more comfortably in the ample amplified bosom of house love Sophie Reade (or Dogface to you). Here are his breast bits, I mean best bits.
Kris evicted? I should think so, Sunny Jim
Day 37 22:46
By BigBroWeb
Visual Merchandiser Kris Donnelly became the 6th housemate to be voted out tonight with 63% of the vote. Will Dogface be howling tonight at the loss?
Overnights - Day 36 - Noirin scares Rodrigo as part of fun and games before bedtime
Day 36 03:21
By BigBroWeb
Noirin plays the not too uncommon scare trick on Rodrigo, and they both have a good laugh about it, before going to sleep.
Will the real Team Nasty please stand up?
Day 36 19:22
By BigBroWeb
Siavash has just been told he'll be punished for trying to influence nominations. But at the same time, is a new Team Nasty emerging?
Halfwit, your rabbit speech could win you Big Brother
Day 36 19:02
By BigBroWeb
Marcus and Halfwit were reliving Halfwit's involvement in the argument where Noirin's character was likened that that of a rabbit. That involvement could win him the show, suggested Marcus.
Siavash and I are no liars says Halfwit to BunnyGate Noirin
Day 35 07:52
By BigBroWeb
BunnyGate is still rumbling on, and Noirin is implying that Halfwit and Siavash are lying. Halfwit refutes this with a hammy performance, as only he can.
Overnights - Day 35 - Rabbit Row & Rodrigo's Lazy Eyes
Day 35 05:14
By BigBroWeb
Siavash is amazed by Rodrigo's booze induced lazy eyes, before inciting an argument with Noirin, claiming that some in the house consider her to be like a rabbit.
BunnyGate erupts in the House as Noirin and Siavash clash
Day 35 03:58
By BigBroWeb
'BunnyGate' erupts in the House as Noirin tries to find out who called her a 'Bunny Rabbit', resulting in a major clash with Siavash, and involving all the housemates.
Housemates transform Halfwit into ... Not Half Hunky
Day 34 01:36
By BigBroWeb
5 times nominated Halfwit becomes the centre of attention as Kris and co gives him a makeover. And the swooning girls are now seeing him in a different light.
Poll - 6th eviction - Charlie, Dogface, Halfwit, Kris and Marcus
Day 34 19:27
By BigBroWeb
After this weeks nominations, Halfwit and Marcus face the public vote. But an unusual turn of events resulted in Dogface, Kris and Charlie joining them. So 5 to choose from in our poll.
Overnights - Day 33
Day 33 05:18
By BigBroWeb
The events of the night following day 33.
Overnights - Day 32 - Charlie & Rodrigo argue,and stress between Noirin & Marcus
Day 32 05:12
By BigBroWeb
Events of the night following Day 32. Things get stressed between Charlie & Rodrigo, and also Noirin & Marcus.
Highlight Show Day 32 - Crash Test Dummies, Tensions with Charlie & Rodrigo, and Halfwit & Marcus over Noirin
Day 32 23:30
By BigBroWeb
Housemates find Halfwit and Marcus's Noirin feud amusing. They also engage in a Crash Test Dummies task. Charlie and Rodrigo play fight and argue, and Dogface likens it to Brokeback Mountain.
Dogface, Karly and Lisa discuss survival chances ... and nominations
Day 31 02:00
By BigBroWeb
The three girls begin by discussing Lisa's survival chances in the house, but then the conversation turns to general nominations talk.
I miss grabbing women's boobs says Lisa
Day 31 01:04
By BigBroWeb
In a night time conversation outdoors, Lisa admitted to Dogface (Sophie Reade), Karly and Siavash that she missed affection from women, ... and grabbing their boobs.
Poll: Is Halfwit annoying?
Day 31 19:09
By BigBroWeb
Halfwit has been nominated for eviction four times in a row, and he's been saved each time. Most housemates find him annoying, but most of the voting public likes him. But what do you think?
Overnights - Day 30 - Sree evicted, Halfwit flirts with Charlie, Charlie and Kris steal booze, Marcus makes Kris pay with pain
Day 30 05:09
By BigBroWeb
The housemates make a convincing attempt at masking their sorrow of Sree's departure by drinking and stealing booze, flirting, arguing, sitting on laps, punching stomachs, duvet diving and such like.
Tipsy Halfwit flirts with Charlie
Day 30 01:49
By BigBroWeb
Fresh from eviction survival and merry on alcohol, Halfwit flirts with Charlie Drummond. And the attention seemed decidedly unwelcome.
Sree's best bits
Day 30 23:30
By BigBroWeb
Sree Dasari will be best remembered for his love/hate relationship with Noirin Kelly. He loved her and she hated him. He did have the odd argument too though.
You've set Sree free - He's been evicted
Day 30 23:26
By BigBroWeb
Indian student Sree Dasari has been voted out, which means Halfwit (Freddie George-Fisher) has survived for the fourth time in a row.
Ice cream task is easy, says Sree
Day 27 06:23
By BigBroWeb
Sree Dasari assured Dogface (Sophie Reade) that he'd be able to handle the phone calls for the ice cream task. It's okay when you're awake, but what if you're wakened from a deep sleep?
Marcus talks dirty, about girlfriends, and reveals his 'drive-by' fantasy
Day 27 19:46
By BigBroWeb
Marcus Akin shocks Sree Dasari with his dirty mind, about girfriends, and his variation on 'drive-by shootings'. What a bummer.
Task not a barrel of laughs for Siavash
Day 27 19:35
By BigBroWeb
As the fashionista in the Italy themed shopping task, Siavash has to wear a series of costumes, the first of which includes a BARREL, which is proving to be very difficult.
Karly orders Halfwit to "Shut it" - but will it be alright on the night?
Day 27 18:56
By BigBroWeb
The Three Tenors, Karly, Rodrigo and Halfwit practise for their 'concert', but Halfwit's singing voice causes strife for the lass from Fife.
5th eviction nominations revealed - Who do you want booted out?
Day 26 09:10
By BigBroWeb
The nominations result that Halfwit was relishing has come to pass. Vote in our poll for who's BB life you'd like terminated.
Halfwit is arrogant and values money above everything, says Rodrigo
Day 26 23:42
By BigBroWeb
Rodrigo Lopes launched an attack on Halfwit (Freddie George-Fisher), saying that he's arrogant and not the kind of person he likes.
Overnights - Day 25 - School's out, the party comes to an end.
Day 25 03:04
By BigBroWeb
The school party is coming to an end, and Dogface is troughing down the sweets and gassing. Sree moans about Noirin.
Hark the evicted Angel sings of heart broken by Noirin
Day 25 14:15
By BigBroWeb
Angel McKenzie doesn't reveal her naked body this time, but the fact she's had her heart broken by Noirin Kelly. So much so, she performs a song about it.
Halfwit - "I would love to be up for eviction against Sree"
Day 24 21:45
By BigBroWeb
Still smarting from GarlicGate, Halfwit (Freddie George-Fisher) relishes the prospect of a eviction showdown with Sree Dasari.
Overnights - Day 23 - Angel's evicted, Dogface gets drunk and gives The Vash an eyeful
Day 23 05:04
By BigBroWeb
Angel has just been evicted, which is a sad occasion. But they are buoyed as it means booze is in supply. Dogface consumes a little more than she can handle, and displays more than Siavash can handle.
Dogface flashes the Vash
Day 23 03:05
By BigBroWeb
Siavash saw more than he bargained for when Dogface (Sophie Reade) accidentally FLASHES him.
It's Angel's Best Bits
Day 23 23:29
By BigBroWeb
Angel McKenzie went on hunger strike, exercised excessively, snogged a few and insulted a few, the insults being the main cause for her eviction. Which means it's time for her Best Bits.
It's Hell for Angel - She's been evicted
Day 23 22:48
By BigBroWeb
Angel McKenzie has become the 4th evictee this series. She receives 81% of the vote against her fellow nominee, Freddie George-Fisher.
Karly plays scare prank on Sree. Not once but twice.
Day 22 02:41
By BigBroWeb
In the early hours, Karly Ashworth, egged on by other housemates gives Sree Dasari a fright, and enjoyed it so much, she did it again.
Shout It Loud - World premiere of the Cairon & Darnell video
Day 22 19:10
By BigBroWeb
BB10's Cairon Austin Hill, and BB9's Darnell Swallow have teamed up and released a new track, curtesy of E4/BBLB.
Marcus is sure that Angel will lose out to Halfwit on Friday
Day 21 01:40
By BigBroWeb
Wolverine lookalike Marcus Akin is certain that Angel McKenzie will lose out in friday's eviction vote to Halfwit (Freddie George-Fisher)
"Marcus, why did they nominate me?" - Angel
Day 21 01:30
By BigBroWeb
Angel McKenzie is facing eviction. She doesn't know why. She turns to Marcus Akin to provide some answers.
Poll: Halfwit and Angel face the vote for the 4th eviction - Who will go?
Day 21 23:13
By BigBroWeb
Halfwit (Freddie George-Fisher) and Angel McKenzie face the boot on friday. Who do you want to see leave?
Live nominations tonight on Channel 4 show
Day 21 19:07
By BigBroWeb
Davina McCall will be fronting the main Channel 4 show tonight where the housemates will be nominating LIVE to the nation.
Housemates fail the Tudor Task
Day 21 18:00
By BigBroWeb
The housemates have not only failed this weeks shopping task, they failed on every section. Which means it's a basic food budget next week.
Overnights - Day 20 - Sree wants to leave, and argues with Noirin over drink
Day 20 05:04
By BigBroWeb
Sree is centre of attention when he tells the housemates he's thinking of leaving.
Cairon and Darnell join forces in the recording studio
Day 20 20:18
By BigBroWeb
BB10's Cairon Austin Hill and BB9's Darnell Swallow have joined forces ... in the recording studio.
Overnights - Day 19 - Tudor humour
Day 19 05:15
By BigBroWeb
The housemates get into the spirit of the Tudor Task.
Overnights - Day 18 - Angel kisses both Noirin & Halfwit, Sree gets harsh truth from Noirin
Day 18 05:14
By BigBroWeb
Dogface gets drunk, and it's kisses all round. And Noirin is forced to tell Sree what she thinks of him.
Freddie confident of survival
Day 18 03:20
By BigBroWeb
Halfwit, birth name Freddie George-Fisher, told Angel McKenzie in the early hours that he felt sorry for whoever is up against him in nominations.
Sree, you're sleazy, naive, ignorant and you need to grow up
Day 18 02:32
By BigBroWeb
Armed with new confidence, gained from the fact that she no longer has to draw on glasses and a moustache on here face daily, Noirin Kelly lays into Sree Dasari.
Freddie and Angel kiss at his birthday bash
Day 18 23:00
By BigBroWeb
Halfwit, who entered the house as Freddie George-Fisher, enjoyed not one but two steamy snogs with Angel McKenzie, at his birthday bash.
Freddie gives the Gift of Normalilty to Noirin
Day 18 20:58
By BigBroWeb
As part of Freddie George-Fisher's birthday celebrations, Big Brother gives him the power to bring benefit to either himself, Sophie or Noirin. He chooses Noirin.
Overnights - Day 16 - Charlie goes on a flirty spree, with Halfwit, Angel and even Sree
Day 16 05:15
By BigBroWeb
Cairon is evicted and the housemates drink to his passing. And Charlie gets a little merrier than most.
Carry on Cairon - It's his best bits
Day 16 23:30
By BigBroWeb
Cairon Austin Hill gets the Davina treatment, and she shows him his best bits.
Eviction vote carried against Cairon
Day 16 23:00
By BigBroWeb
The public has voted 73% against Cairon Austin Hill, and in favour of Freddie George-Fisher, innit. You know what I'm saying?
Sophia meets Big Brother 9's B Block for advice on handling fame
Day 15 23:26
By BigBroWeb
Sophia Brown meets ex housemates, including Big Brother 9's B Block, for advice on handling fame, curtesy of Big Brother's Little Brother.
Highlight Show Day 13 - Nominations Results & Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Task
Day 13 23:45
By BigBroWeb
Housemates learn who is facing eviction this week, and also learn they must perform a dance routine from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and Angel starts the day with a naked swim.
Poll - 3rd Eviction - Freddie or Cairon to leave on friday?
Day 13 20:41
By BigBroWeb
Freddie aka Halfwit, and Cairon have been nominated for eviction this week. Who of this desperate duo would you like to see chucked out on Friday?
Highlight Show Day 12 - Nominations Day & Cairon tries his luck with Dogface
Day 12 23:47
By BigBroWeb
It's the second noms day, and some housemates find it funny that Sree had declared his love for Noirin. Cairon tries it on with Dogface. Sree and Cairon have another disagreement.
Cairon gives Sree some advice on romance
Day 11 02:26
By BigBroWeb
After Sree's crash and burn attempt at declaring his love for Noirin, Cairon gives him some much .. unwanted advice on romance.
Highlight Show Day 11 - Sree declares his love for Noirin & Charlie and Rodrigo kiss
Day 11 23:31
By BigBroWeb
Sree having his undergarment whipped away from him TWICE in one day brings him to tell Noirin of his growing love for her. Rodrigo & Charlie kiss, Marcus & Lisa don't kiss but make up.
Overnights - Day 10 - The first major row erupts as Noirin threatens starvation protest
Day 10 05:39
By BigBroWeb
Noirin is getting fed up with having to continually sport drawn on glasses and moustache,so threatens to starve herself. Angel supports her, and Lisa goes ballistic, which gets Marcus started on her.
Highlight Show Day 10 - 'StarvationGate' row erupts with Lisa at odds with Marcus, Halfwit and Angel
Day 10 23:20
By BigBroWeb
Housemates perform the bull in a china shop task. Kris discusses his Dogface relationship with Charlie & Lisa, and the relationship is questioned by Big Brother. StarvationGate erupts in the house.
Overnights - Day 9 - Housemates drink to mark Sophia's departure
Day 9 05:27
By BigBroWeb
Sophia's eviction leads to the housemates receiving alcohol and treats from Big Brother.
Poll: Why did Saffia quit the Big Brother House?
Day 9 01:15
By BigBroWeb
Well, it's been a full day since Saffia left the house via the back door. She says it was because of her kids, but you can have your say.
Big Mouth Day 9 - Sophia v Saffia Showdown & Brokeback Housemates
Day 9 23:58
By BigBroWeb
Davina has newly evicted Sophia and quitter Saffia in the Big Mouth studio, with guests Tina Malone and John Bishop. Featuring Brokeback Housemates and The Wisdom of the Sree
Highlight Show Day 9
Day 9 23:20
By BigBroWeb
After the argument with Cairon, Sree thinks about leaving. Kris and Dogface's flirting gets noticed. Siavash gets punished for discussing nominations. Karly takes a dislike to Marcus.
The public has chosen you, Sophia, for eviction
Day 9 22:30
By BigBroWeb
Sophia Brown lost out to Freddie George-Fisher in the 2nd eviction battle with a massive 91.2% of the public vote.
Highlight Show Day 8 & Eviction Show Day 9 - Saffia quits, Sophia is evicted
Day 8 23:15
By BigBroWeb
Sophia and Saffia row, Saffia quits the house, Sree and Cairon row. And the eviction results reveal that it's Sophia who is evicted.
Saffia not so good. She quits the Big Brother house
Day 8 19:11
By BigBroWeb
Saffia leaves the Big Brother house. But was it because she was missing her kids?
Poll: BB10 2nd eviction. Freddie or Sophia
Day 7 02:50
By BigBroWeb
Freddie and Sophia face the vote after the first round of nominations in Big Brother 10. Vote in our poll for who you'd like to see leave on Friday.
First nomination results revealed
Day 7 19:01
By BigBroWeb
In a new twist, the results of the first round of nominations have been revealed to the public ... BEFORE the housemates.
Highlight Show Day 7 - First nominations result announced, & Mission Impossible style task
Day 7 15:48
By BigBroWeb
The first noms results are announced. Sree is seen by some to be hypocritical. Noirin massages Marcus, Kris massages Sophie, and stars in this weeks shopping task. And it's Angel's birthday.
Highlight Show Day 6 - Housemates nominate for the first time
Day 6 23:06
By BigBroWeb
The housemates nominate for the first time, resulting in Sophia and Halfwit as the ones facing eviction this week.
BBLB Day 6
Day 6 19:30
By BigBroWeb
George Lamb is joined by Michelle Heaton, Terry Chistian and Myke Hawke. Lee Kern goes to visit BB9 winner Rachel Rice to investigate whether or not fame has gone to her head.
Lee Kern visits Rachel Rice
Day 6 19:25
By BigBroWeb
Lee Kern goes to see Big Brother 9 winner Rachel to find out if fame as turned her to throwing televisions out of hotel room windows, and such like.
Overnights - Day 5
Day 5 05:09
By BigBroWeb
The events of the night following day 5.
Highlight Show Day 5
Day 5 23:59
By BigBroWeb
The honeymoon period is fast disappearing as Lisa is beginning to find Freddie annoying, and also Sree is a high performer in the annoyance stakes.
BBLB Day 5
Day 5 19:00
By BigBroWeb
Fresh from eviction, Beinazir joins George Lamb in the BBLB studio.
Overnights - Day 4 - Beinazir evicted, the game starts now
Day 4 06:17
By BigBroWeb
Beinazir gets evicted, and the housemates being to realise the game has started. But this thought is soon forgotten when pizza and the drinks start to flow ...and perhaps initial flirtations?
Highlight Show Day 4
Day 4 23:59
By BigBroWeb
The day culiminating in Beinazir's eviction.
Overnights - Day 3
Day 3 04:58
By BigBroWeb
The happenings of the night following on from day 3
Highlight Show Day 3 and Eviction Show Day 4
Day 3 23:59
By BigBroWeb
The final housemate places get taken, which means one non housemate gets the bus home. Cairon proves himself the dunkiest housemate, and the swanky new bathroom is unveiled.
Overnights - Day 2 - The housemates get stuck into getting to know each other
Day 2 05:23
By BigBroWeb
The housemates set about telling each other, and demonstrating what they're about about.
Highlight Show Day 2 - Special Forces and deed poll name changes
Day 2 23:59
By BigBroWeb
Whilst the housemates live in the lap of luxury, the non housemates have to endure rough treatment from the Special Forces. But some soon become real housemates.
Big Brother's Little Brother Day 2
Day 2 19:30
By BigBroWeb
Big Brother's Little Brother returns for the new series. with George Lamb at the helm.
Overnights - Day 1 - The housemates first night together
Day 1 05:50
By BigBroWeb
The housemates first night together. Are there any initial signs of bonding yet?
Highlight Show Day 1
Day 1 23:59
By BigBroWeb
Lisa grabs the phone and becomes a housemate, and chooses Kris to become a housemate also. Sree reads Saffia's palm, and Marcus notices the rules forbids fake romances in the house.
Big Brother's Big Mouth Day 1
Day 1 23:50
By BigBroWeb
It's the first Big Brother's Big Mouth of the series, and it's now hosted by Davina McCall, fresh from introducing the new batch of housemates.
Lee Kern covers the housemates entrance
Day 1 23:37
By BigBroWeb
Lee Kern, the man who filmed 'What The Housemates Did Next' after Nig Brother 9, gives his take on this years housemates journey from their cars into the house.
Highlight Show Day 1 - BB10 Launch
Day 1 23:21
By BigBroWeb
It's launch off for Big Rrother 10, and Davina introduces the house and this years new set of housemates.
Desperate Housemates is back
Day 1 18:01
By BigBroWeb
BB EyeDesperate Housemates is back, in the form of Big Brother 10.
Ulrika is the winner of Celebrity Big Brother 2009
Day 22 22:40
By BigBroWeb
Davina McCall announces Ulrika Jonsson as winner of this years Celebrity Big Brother
Ben is out in fifth place
Day 22 21:00
By BigBroWeb
Ben Adams finishes in fifth place
Tommy is out
Day 20 23:46
By BigBroWeb
Tommy Sheridan follows LaToya out the door in double eviction night.
I'm sorry Miss Jackson - You're evicted
Day 20 23:26
By BigBroWeb
LaToya Jackson is first out in the suprise double eviction
Poll - Celebrity Big Brother 6 Winner
Day 19 18:46
By BigBroWeb
Celebrity Big Brother 6 is fast approaching it's close. Which housemate would you like to win? Vote here in our poll.
Michelle's Best Bits
Day 19 13:59
By BigBroWeb
See Michelle Heaton's best moments in the house here.
Michelle shocked by eviction
Day 18 01:17
By BigBroWeb
Michelle Heaton has become the third celebrity housemate to be evicted.
Michelle and Ulrika nominated
Day 18 21:15
By BigBroWeb
Michelle Heaton and Ulrika Jonsson has been nominated for eviction by their housemates. But they won't know about it until the result of the public vote is announced.
Tina's been voted out
Day 15 23:48
By BigBroWeb
Tina Malone is the second celebrity to be voted out this series
CBB6 second eviction - Who do you want to go?
Day 12 18:56
By BigBroWeb
Michelle Heaton, Mutya Buena, Tina Malone and Ulrika Jonsson face the boot on friday. But who do you want gone?
Female foursome face eviction vote
Day 12 18:46
By BigBroWeb
Michelle Heaton, Mutya Buena, Tina Malone and Ulrika Jonsson face the public vote this week
We didn't love Lucy - She's been voted OUT
Day 8 23:53
By BigBroWeb
Lucy Pinder is the first to be voted out of the Celebrity Big Brother house.
Poll: CBB6 First Eviction - Lucy or Ulrika?
Day 5 01:17
By BigBroWeb
Pin up girl Lucy Pinder, and TV presenter Ulrika Jonsson face the boot on friday. But who do you want to go?
Lucy and Ulrika face the public vote
Day 5 00:05
By BigBroWeb
Lucy Pinder and Ulrika Jonsson face the boot on Friday, after both being nominated by the Head of House, Terry Christian
Celebrity Big Brother returns
Day 1 15:19
By BigBroWeb
The sixth series Celebrity Big Brother returns to our screens tonight
Diagnosis Dawnuss
Day 1 18:31
By Dawnuss
BB EyeRex is Relegated
Diagnosis Dawnuss
Day 1 13:51
By Dawnuss
BB EyeDarnell Departs
Diagnosis Dawnuss
Day 1 14:45
By Dawnuss
BB EyeKathreya Ousted
Diagnosis Dawnuss
Day 1 01:39
By Dawnuss
BB EyeNo More Mo Fro
Rachel on BBLB Reunion
Day 1 12:58
By BigBroWeb
Radiant Rachel Rice gets her moment in the spotlight on Big Brother's Little Brother's Reunion as the newly crowned Big Brother winner.
Relive The Big Brother 2008 Series
Day 93 23:00
By BigBroWeb
Big Brother 2008 was great wasn't it? Well we think so. Relive the main events in the series.
Rachel's Best Bits
Day 93 22:52
By BigBroWeb
Relive Rachel's best moments in the house.
Rachel Rice is winner of Big Brother 2008
Day 93 22:52
By BigBroWeb
Rachel Rice is crowned winner of Big Brother 2008. After a rollercoaster 93 days, she reluctantly leaves the house behind to meet the awaiting Davina.
The final bit of action from the house
Day 93 22:50
By BigBroWeb
Big Brother 2008 has finally come to an end. And the final scene from the house comes from Rachel Rice, all alone. Everyone else ejected.
Mikey's Best Bits
Day 93 22:36
By BigBroWeb
Michael Hughes has been an excellent housemate. The outspoken Scot has created many a good moment. Here are his best bits.
Mike gets the Davina treatment
Day 93 22:34
By BigBroWeb
It was Michael Hughes dream to get on the Big Brother show, and to meet Davina. Now his dream is realised.
Mikey leaves the house
Day 93 22:30
By BigBroWeb
Big Brother 2008 runner up, Michael Hughes, separates himself from pal, and this years winner, Rachel Rice, as he leaves the house. After 93 days, he emerges back into the outside world.
And the winner of Big Brother 2008 is ...
Day 93 22:27
By BigBroWeb
It's been a 93 day rollercoaster of ups and downs, twists and turns. Now Davina announces the Big Brother 2008 winner.
Sara's Best Bits
Day 93 22:10
By BigBroWeb
A chance to look back at Sara Folino's time in the house.
Sara comes third
Day 93 22:05
By BigBroWeb
Davina announces that the house flirt Sara Folino has come third. She now leaves the house to face Davina's questioning.
Rex's Best Bits
Day 93 20:52
By BigBroWeb
Rex Newmark has been perhaps the most controversial housemate this year. Relive his best bits here.
Rex goes fourth
Day 93 20:48
By BigBroWeb
Davina announces that Rex Newmark has come fourth in this years Big Brother campaign.
Darnell's Best Bits
Day 93 20:43
By BigBroWeb
Darnell Swallow was a phenomenal housemate. He had more highs and lows than most, formed the B Block Club and penned a song or two. Can his best bits really be captured?
Darnell is out in fifth place
Day 93 20:40
By BigBroWeb
Davina announces that Darnell Swallow is the first one out in the Big Brother 9 final.
And the next person to leave is ... Rexel !!
Day 92 01:00
By BigBroWeb
Rex and Rachel's names begins with the letter 'R'. So Rex describes his emotions should Davina begin to announce .. "And the next person to leave is .. RRRR"
Getting to second place in the final is not good
Day 92 00:50
By BigBroWeb
It's the night before the final, and Darnell and Rex contemplate the final countdown, and how it will affect them.
Big Moth returns to say goodbye
Day 92 00:10
By BigBroWeb
Sara and Rachel are out in the garden, and they get a surprise visit. From Big Moth.
Fairytale Girl could win Big Brother
Day 92 00:05
By BigBroWeb
Rachel tells Rex just how much she loves being in the house. It leads Rex and Darnell to consider the fact she could win.
Kat's Best Bits
Day 90 22:58
By BigBroWeb
Kathreya Kasisopa came and infected the house with 'Cookie Power' and 'Happy House'. Here are her best bits.
The Rachel and Kat Friendship
Day 90 22:55
By BigBroWeb
There's been many a friendship made in the house, but has there been any stronger than that between Rachel and Kat?
The Kat's been put out
Day 90 22:47
By BigBroWeb
Mohamed Mohamed's shock eviction was quickly followed by another. Kathreya Kasisopa quickly follows her friend out the door.
Mohamed's Best Bits
Day 90 22:15
By BigBroWeb
Have a quick journey through some of Mo's moments in the house.
Shock eviction has Mohamed missing out on the final
Day 90 22:10
By BigBroWeb
While enjoying their party, the housemates were shocked to have it interrupted by Davina's voice. With news that Mohamed is about to be evicted.
Rachel socks it to Rex
Day 89 23:34
By BigBroWeb
Rex started on Rachel again, branding her a fake housemate, getting by agreeing with people. But this time, Rachel answers back!!
Mo and Sara argue over cigarettes
Day 89 13:07
By BigBroWeb
An argument broke out in the basic bedroom when Rex and Sara accused Mohamed of hiding cigarettes.
Darnell's joke to Kat turns bad
Day 88 00:05
By BigBroWeb
Darnell made a joke to Kat that he'd choose her to be evicted from the house, given the choice between her and Sara. And Kat took it so badly, it affected the whole house.
Rex - "My fellow housemates are wierd"
Day 88 16:13
By BigBroWeb
Rex tells Kat she could be sold to the circus, and that Rachel is wierd for having spiders as friends.
Rex - "Our styles don't mix, Kat"
Day 87 02:54
By BigBroWeb
Rex tells Kat that the idea of them working together on a cookery show wouldn't be a good idea. In his usual charming manner.
There ain't no party like a B Block Party
Day 87 01:30
By BigBroWeb
The B Block team return to happier times. Well, Kat, Rachel and Darnell anyway. It's the last saturday in the Big Brother house, so it's party time.
Diagnosis Dawnuss
Day 87 21:06
By Dawnuss
BB EyeLisa Leaves the BB confines
Lisa's Best Bits
Day 86 00:00
By BigBroWeb
Relive Lisa's best moments in the house here.
Lisa waves goodbye to the housemates
Day 86 23:59
By BigBroWeb
She's been in the house for 86 days. Lisa Appleton now says goodbye to the house and returns to the outside world.
Lisa is evicted
Day 86 23:13
By BigBroWeb
Lisa Appleton becomes the 11th evictee, just one week before the end. She lost out to Sara Folino by a narrow margin, taking 52.6% of the public vote.
Darnell - "Rachel should not have to apologise for nomming Rex, Kat"
Day 85 03:38
By BigBroWeb
It was tears before bedtime when Kat wanted some reassurance from Darnell, but instead got some home truths from her friend.
Poll: Who do you want to win Big Brother 9?
Day 85 13:38
By BigBroWeb
We're now counting down to the final, and five remain. Who do you want to win the whole thing?
Darnell All Alone
Day 84 01:31
By BigBroWeb
You couldn't you script it, could you? Sara wins £25k, Darnell goes to speak to her, and she walks off with his friend Mo. Just deserts?
Poll: 11th Eviction - Lisa or Sara, who do you want to go?
Day 84 01:31
By BigBroWeb
Lisa and Sara who face the public vote. Vote here in our poll for who you want to go.
Lisa and Sara face public vote after face to face nominations
Day 84 01:03
By BigBroWeb
Lisa and Sara face public vote after tonight's face to face nominations
Rex- Big Brother's gone for depth this year
Day 83 01:05
By BigBroWeb
After a Diary Room visit, Rex mused that it's a different Big Brother viewing audience this year.
Darnell - "Why I'm being a jerk to Sara"
Day 83 01:02
By BigBroWeb
Darnell explains to Kat and Rachel why he's being the way he is with Sara.
You're invited to our homes, Darnell
Day 82 01:00
By BigBroWeb
Both Rachel and Kat have invited Darnell to their homes once the show is over.
Sara confesses her love for Stuart
Day 82 23:38
By BigBroWeb
Sara confesses her love for Stuart to Rex in the kitchen, while Darnell's still bitching.
Mohamed becomes new HOH as Kat and Darnell fall out
Day 82 20:00
By BigBroWeb
Mohamed becomes the new Head of House, and in the process, Kathreya and Darnell fall out.Mohamed - New Head of House
Mikey asks Rex for Nicole's underwear
Day 81 20:40
By BigBroWeb
Mikey shocks Rex by asking if there were any of Nicole's underwear kicking about.
Lisa - "I was wrong about Rachel"
Day 81 15:40
By BigBroWeb
Lisa realises that she was paranoid to believe that Rachel fancied her beau, Mario.Rachel and Lisa
Nicole's Best Bits
Day 79 23:50
By BigBroWeb
Nicole came, she annoyed, and she left. Here are her best bits. Nicole's out
Diagnosis Dawnuss
Day 79 23:49
By Dawnuss
BB EyeNicole Knocked Out
Princess Nicole becomes the 10th evictee
Day 79 23:39
By BigBroWeb
Nicole Cammack became the 10th evictee tonight with a record breaking 94.04% of the public vote.Nicole hears the result from Davina
Mikey to the rescue
Day 79 15:38
By BigBroWeb
A fair maiden has had her weights thrown in the pool. But never fear, Mikey's here.
Rex's "Passioned Hate" for Rachel
Day 79 14:10
By BigBroWeb
While Rachel is calming Sara's eviction nerves, trust big bad Rex to tell her how much he wanted HER to be evicted.
Rex gets saucy with Rachel
Day 76 23:39
By BigBroWeb
You never thought it would happen, but Rex and Rachel in oh-so-saucy actionRachel and Rex face off
Kat - "Rex I did not nominate Nicole"
Day 76 20:00
By BigBroWeb
After this weeks nominations result, Kat lets Rex know she did not nominate Nicole. I didn't nom your princess - I'm your fwen
Mohamed The Bogeyman
Day 73 23:50
By Dawnuss
BB EyeIt snot funny Mo
Princess Nicole not a merry soul
Day 73 23:44
By Dawnuss
BB Eye10th Nominations Announced
Poll: 10th Eviction - Lisa, Nicole or Sara?
Day 73 23:36
By BigBroWeb
It's the run up to the 10th eviction, and it's an all girl lineup. Nicole Cammack, Sara Folino and Lisa Appleton face the chop. But who do you want ejected out of there? Lisa, Sara and Nicole for the chop
Diagnosis Dawnuss
Day 73 19:00
By Dawnuss
BB EyeStu's Out!
In a Stu
Day 69 18:53
By Dawnuss
BB EyeBB Stu wants to be loved
Rap Attack
Day 69 18:29
By Dawnuss
BB EyeBB's New Boy Band?
Crikey Mikey
Day 69 18:26
By Dawnuss
BB EyeHead of House goes quackers!
Poll: 9th Eviction - Stuart or Rachel - Who do you want to go?
Day 69 17:38
By BigBroWeb
Stuart Pilkington and Rachel Rice face the public voteChick pea or Chicken Stu
Trouble in B-Block?
Day 66 16:58
By BigBroWeb
The former B-Blockers are under strain today as the Darnell, Sara, Stuart love triangle rumbles on.Darnell challenges Rachel
Dale meets Davina - and Jen
Day 65 00:57
By BigBroWeb
Dale Howard finally gets to meet Davina, and there was in extra surprise in store, in the shape of house love Jennifer Clark.Dale and Jen with Davina
Diagnosis Dawnuss
Day 65 00:30
By Dawnuss
BB EyeDale Departs
Poll: Should Rex and Nicole be nominated for eviction next?
Day 65 23:32
By BigBroWeb
Is Rex Newmark and Nicole Cammack's on-off on screen relationship a turn off? Would you like to see the back of one of them? Or both?
Dale's been nailed - He becomes the 8th evictee
Day 65 21:55
By BigBroWeb
Dale Howard's Big Brother journey is ended. The public has chosen Stuart Pilkington to stay. I'd better zip up. I'm live on Channel 4
Will Dale Stay?
Day 65 21:26
By BigBroWeb
Dale Howard discusses his chances of staying with Darnell Swallow.You saying I'm going? You're talking with your d... out
Nicole gets a Darnell song performance
Day 65 16:32
By BigBroWeb
Darnell Swallow performs Princess Gem to an overwhelmed Nicole Cammack. See? I do nice things for you. Now do as you're told, girl.
BB Bite Size News
Day 64 06:36
By Dawnuss
BB EyeHousemate Tid Bits
Rachel - The boys in this house are babies
Day 64 01:21
By BigBroWeb
Rachel Rice has jumped off the fence and made a decision. The boys in the house are babies. Mwaaaaaahhhhh!!!
Rex - Me and Nicole count as one housemate
Day 63 10:35
By BigBroWeb
Rex Newmark is sure that he and his in house girlfriend Nicole Cammack both count as one housemate.If she goes ... I go.
Poll: Eighth Eviction - Dale & Stuart - Who do you want to go
Day 62 18:19
By BigBroWeb
Dale Howard and Stuart Pilkington face the boot this week. Vote in our poll for who you want to go. You're gonna lose some eye candy this week, ladies.
Dale and Stuart nominated
Day 62 13:12
By BigBroWeb
Dale Howard and Stuart Pilkington have been nominated by their housemates to face eviction this week. We're the house hunks. Who could want US out?
Darnell & Sara - A match made in heaven?
Day 60 05:31
By Dawnuss
BB EyeLuxury Bedroom flirtings turn sour
Rachel, your boyfriend is playing away
Day 60 16:22
By BigBroWeb
Rex, Stuart and Dale educates Rachel in 'boyfriend behaviour'Oh no - Could they be right?
Where are you going Lisa?
Day 58 23:58
By Dawnuss
BB EyeLisa makes leap for freedom
The most beautiful girl in the world?
Day 58 23:31
By Dawnuss
BB EyeStep forward Nicole Cammack
Be careful what you wish for Rex
Day 58 23:30
By Dawnuss
BB EyeSpecial Token no.57 makes an impact
Diagnosis Dawnuss
Day 58 22:32
By Dawnuss
BB EyeLuke Leaves BB House
Luke is evicted
Day 58 22:13
By BigBroWeb
In a thrilling eviction night special, Luke Marsden becomes the seventh evictee.Oh no, they've screwed me over
My girlfriend's at least 50 times better than photo girl
Day 57 10:37
By BigBroWeb
Rex Newmark was not happy at all when he saw the picture of the girl Luke & Lisa picked out as HIS girlfriend. This girl is REAL nice, but i'd better not say, or my girl will dump me
Rex becomes a Cop Star
Day 57 00:51
By BigBroWeb
Rex Newmark fancies himself as songwriter, and comes up with his own hit songCop Star the Rivals winner REX
May Who?
Day 56 00:23
By BigBroWeb
Maysoon Shaladi legged it out the house as the seventh eviction got under way.I'm gonna leg it outta here
Poll: Seventh Eviction - Who do you want out?
Day 56 00:07
By BigBroWeb
It's poll time. It's the seventh eviction. One nominee has walked, and eight remain.Where's whatsername gone?
Nominations talk results in nine being up for public vote
Day 55 22:37
By BigBroWeb
It started off with only Dale and Luke being up for eviction. But Big Brother punishes constant rule breaking by adding seven other housemates.Safety in numbers?
Diagnosis Dawnuss
Day 51 00:45
By Dawnuss
BB EyeBex is Banished.
Rebecca's Best Bits
Day 51 00:27
By BigBroWeb
Rebecca Shiner was never shy when it came to showing her best bitsI've got my best bits covered up ... for now
Rebecca is evicted
Day 51 22:57
By BigBroWeb
Rebecca Shiner was evicted tonight with 65.4% of the vote. It was not what the house expected.What?? What do you mean me?
Three Housemates Pack their bags
Day 51 14:03
By Dawnuss
BB EyeWho will go tonight?
Poll: Sixth Eviction: Darnell, Rebecca or Mohammed to go
Day 48 11:21
By BigBroWeb
It's Rebecca Shiner, Darnell Swallow and Mohamed Mohamed who face eviction this week. But who do you want to go? I want that pesky housemate OUT!!
Rebecca and Luke share another kiss
Day 48 03:42
By BigBroWeb
Nominated Rebecca Shiner shares another kiss with Luke Marsden. But does he know much about it?Luke out! Bex is kissing you.
Rex's Soccer Skills
Day 48 00:44
By BigBroWeb
Rex Newmark is a chef with three restaurants, (yes three). But his talents do not end there. He's also good at football ... or so Kat thinks.Watch this girls.
Nominations announced - It's Darnell, Mohamed and Rebecca
Day 48 18:22
By BigBroWeb
Darnell Swallow, Mohamed Mohamed and Rebecca Shiner are nominated for eviction this week.Bex, Darnell and Mo facing eviction
Bex's Topless Ballet
Day 46 11:16
By BigBroWeb
Rebecca Shiner does a ballet performance in the house and garden - ToplessI can do star jumps
New Head of House Appointed
Day 45 01:48
By Dawnuss
BB EyeDale takes Pole Position
Diagnosis Dawnuss
Day 44 01:33
By Dawnuss
BB EyeVoice of the voiceless is silenced.
Belinda's Swan Song
Day 44 00:41
By BigBroWeb
The fat lady has sung, and it's over for Belinda. She waves goodbye to the house after a rollercoaster 2 weeks. I'm meeting my adoring public
Belinda'll be leaving the house
Day 44 22:22
By BigBroWeb
Belinda Harris-Reid lost out to Rex Newmark in this weeks eviction battle.Rex and Belinda as result is being read out
Fat Boy Dim
Day 44 14:10
By Dawnuss
BB EyeWho came into the house with the intention of losing weight?
"Kat, you will win Big Brother", says Rex
Day 43 04:37
By BigBroWeb
As Rex and Kat lay in bed,(yes Rex and Kat),he made a bet with her that she'll become the Big Brother winner.You're gonna win this, Kat
Power Corrupts
Day 43 03:05
By Dawnuss
BB EyeWhat prompted Darnell's outburst?
And the Oscar goes to.........
Day 43 13:28
By Dawnuss
BB EyeWho is hamming it up in the house?
Maysoon speaks
Day 42 00:14
By BigBroWeb
Big Brother's Maysoon Shaladi doesn't feature much in the show, but now we have something to celebrateMaysoon speaks a full sentence - Pure joy!!
Sara: Darn can go to Hell
Day 42 23:54
By BigBroWeb
Darnell's attempt to get a 'rice', I mean, RISE out of Sara fell flat, and only succeeded in upsetting her.Make me rice, or I won't be nice
Nominations. Round 5
Day 41 00:40
By Dawnuss
BB EyeWho will be top of the hit list?
Poll: Fifth Eviction: Belinda v Rex
Day 41 00:31
By BigBroWeb
The house has nominated Rex and Belinda for eviction this week. Vote here in our poll for who you want to go.Rex v Belinda in 5th eviction battle
Sara's Splashing Ride
Day 41 21:27
By BigBroWeb
Sara's in need of some SERIOUS cooling down during her cycle ride. Luckily she has some housemates to help her out in her hour of needSplash it all over
Pique Fitness
Day 41 17:34
By BigBroWeb
Belinda finds it hard going on the cycling section of the French task.Puff pant wheeze!!
Nominations a-peel
Day 40 12:52
By BigBroWeb
The Hell housemates had to earn the right to nominate ... by peeling spuds.Peel 'em ... or no vote for you
Darnells Decision
Day 39 22:57
By Dawnuss
BB Eye Who will he choose to share in the luxuries?
Judgement Day - Who's going to Heaven?
Day 39 21:53
By BigBroWeb
Darnell making his choiceDarnell has to choose who will be living in Heaven with him. Will he choose the whole of B Block?
What's it like in Heaven?
Day 39 16:15
By BigBroWeb
Rex reads the Heaven and Hell details to the houseWith Darnell now the Head of House, the housemates get details of heaven will be like, oh, and hell of course.
Darnell becomes the first HoH
Day 39 15:30
By BigBroWeb
Darnell becomes first Head of HouseDarnell received 9 votes to win the vote and become Big Brother's first ever Head of House
Luke's politically correct?
Day 38 16:55
By BigBroWeb
BB EyeWith the Head of House elections in full farce, I mean, full force, Luke's taking his campaign seriously. Seriously funny.
Diagnosis Dawnuss
Day 37 04:12
By Dawnuss
BB EyeFarewell Mr Health & Safety
And it's Mario who goes - you decided
Day 37 03:28
By BigBroWeb
Mario's reaction to Davina's announcementMario Marconi, real name Shaun Astbury, loses out to Rebecca Shiner to become the fourth person to be evicted.
No place to rest her weary head
Day 36 07:47
By Dawnuss
BB EyePoor, Poor, Poor Belinda
Katreya and Rachel jump ship
Day 35 07:25
By Dawnuss
BB EyeGirls ousted by grunts in the night.
Luke gets tan- go'd
Day 34 07:02
By Dawnuss
BB EyeRebecca corners look once again
Poll:Rebecca v Mario in public vote showdown
Day 34 19:18
By BigBroWeb
BB EyeRebecca Shiner and Shaun Astbury, er, I mean Mario Marconi both face eviction on Friday. Vote here on our poll for who you want to see leave.
Bomb scare in the Big Brother house?
Day 32 18:31
By BigBroWeb
Aaarrgh!! Where's the housemates gone? I need my fix.Once again, the live streaming was cut. Was this another fight night? Were the cameramen striking for more pay?
Noise Nuisance
Day 31 18:30
By Dawnuss
BB EyeWho is keeping the housemates awake in the early hours?
Three's a crowd?
Day 30 23:15
By Dawnuss
BB EyeThe newcomers arrive at BB House
Diagnosis Dawnuss
Day 30 23:10
By Dawnuss
BB EyeSo long Jennifer
Jennifer evicted - Then 3 go in
Day 30 23:05
By BigBroWeb
Jen with DavinaHouse whinger Jennifer Clark was evicted tonight, and if that wasn't enough, 3 new girls enter.
Darnell & Stu on Look-out for Love
Day 30 18:06
By Dawnuss
BB EyeCould tonight be their lucky night?
Big Brother house to get THREE new females
Day 29 10:52
By BigBroWeb
BB EyeThree new females to enter the Big Brother house tonight.
Day 28 01:15
By Dawnuss
BB EyeWho put the Kat among the pigeons?
Housemates pass zoo shopping task
Day 28 01:03
By BigBroWeb
Jen & Rebecca celebrate task victoryThey didn't think they could do it. But they did. They passed the zoo shopping task. And the celebrations were WILD!!
POLL: Jen or Rex - Who do YOU want see leave on Friday?
Day 27 10:38
By BigBroWeb
Jen ... Or Rex?Vote here on our poll for who you want evicted.
It's Jen v Rex
Day 27 12:54
By BigBroWeb
What's he done to my painting? Would he do that to a Monet?Jennifer Clark and Rex Newmark have been nominated this week for eviction
When Two Tribes Go to War ..
Day 25 00:43
By BigBroWeb
B Blocking Beats... in the Big Brother house, the tribal names are the B-Block Club and the Whisper Club. The B-Blockers give a Diary Room performance of their 'anthem'
So long Sylvia
Day 24 20:02
By Dawnuss
The housemates say goodbye to SylviaDiagnosis Dawnuss
Sylvia is evicted
Day 23 23:59
By BigBroWeb
Sylvia hugs Mo'Minx' Sylvia became the second person to be ousted via the public vote.
When the Spit hit the fan
Day 23 19:07
By Dawnuss
FIGHT NIGHT - In full flowDennis in Drama
The Charm after the Swarm
Day 23 16:00
By Dawnuss
BB EyeHousemates diss then make-up
Dennis removed from the Big Brother House
Day 23 16:00
By BigBroWeb
Dennis, the spitting menace, has been removed from the Big Brother house.
Darnell 4 Rebecca
Day 23 15:45
By Dawnuss
Darnell & Rebecca - The Look of Love?Big Brothers New Romantics?
Mo or Dennis? There's only one way to find out ... FIGHT!!
Day 23 15:34
By BigBroWeb
Dennis with upset Jen after the fightFight night erupted in the Big Brother house in the early hours of the morning. But what brought it about?
And the result of the pop video shopping task is ...
Day 22 17:28
By BigBroWeb
How did the housemates fare without the injured Rachel and jailed Dennis?
Steph's gone NUTS
Day 21 15:46
By BigBroWeb
NUTS cover girl StephWhat has Steph been up to since leaving the house? Raising ... smiles on lad's faces everywhere would be one guess!!
Nominations revealed - Week 3
Day 20 15:28
By Dawnuss
BB EyeSee who is up for the chop
Wash delicates separately
Day 19 23:21
By Dawnuss
BB EyeMikey has been c-up to no good
Day 19 23:20
By BigBroWeb
BB EyeDarnell caught Mikey washing his crown jewels with the aid of a cup. This did not go down too well with Jenny
Dennis & Mohamed Clash
Day 19 22:09
By Dawnuss
BB EyeThe feuding pair come to blows in the garden
Luke and the Light Fingered Biscuit Botherer
Day 19 21:17
By Dawnuss
BB EyeIn the case of the missing snacks
Sylvia in a Stu
Day 18 23:13
By Dawnuss
BB EyeThe pair engage in nocturnal natter
Cookie Love'd Up
Day 17 00:46
By BigBroWeb
BB EyeHas Darnell and Kat come up with the next Xmas number one? Watch the video and judge for yourself
Sylvia & Stu share history
Day 17 22:26
By Dawnuss
BB EyeFind out where the housemates have met before.
Stu makes an impression
Day 17 18:04
By Dawnuss
BB EyeDoes new housemate Stu already have an admirer?
Surprise entrance has the housemates in a Stu
Day 16 23:33
By BigBroWeb
BB EyeTonight Stuart, the replacement for Alexandra, made his entrance into the house.
Lisa & Mario's Love-In
Day 16 20:55
By Dawnuss
BB EyeCouple in mood for love
Is Rachel Rice being too nice?
Day 16 12:06
By Dawnuss
BB EyeIs Rachel Rice being too nice? The housemates have their suspicions.
New housemate to enter house
Day 15 20:00
By BigBroWeb
BB EyeA new housemate will be unveiled on Fridays live show, to replace the booted Alex.
"Alex is gone" Luke tells the housemates
Day 14 23:30
By Dawnuss
BB EyeThe House reacts as Luke reads out statement of Alex's departure
Alexandra Booted Out The House
Day 14 22:46
By BigBroWeb
BB EyeAlexandra has been kicked out of the Big Brother house for intimidating behaviour.
Is love in the air?
Day 14 20:08
By Dawnuss
BB EyeDale & Jennifer are spending more & more time togethor. Will they or won't they?
Alexandra has left the building
Day 14 19:28
By Dawnuss
BB Eye Have the public been cheated? Alex misses out on the walk of shame from the Big Brother House
Nominations Begin
Day 14 13:53
By Dawnuss
BB EyeWho is up for the chop? The first round of nominations take place in the Big Brother House
Alexandra v Mario
Day 14 12:03
By Dawnuss
BB EyeSURPRISE - It's Alexandra v Mario for the second eviction
When the saints go marching in..with two left feet
Day 13 19:46
By Dawnuss
BB EyeSuper Mario
Happy Birthday Mohamed
Day 12 20:22
By Dawnuss
BB EyeWhy is Mohammed wearing womens clothes? Mo celebrates his birthday in style.
Bye Bye Steph
Day 11 21:23
By Dawnuss
BB EyeStephanie became the first in the latest series of Big Brother to be evicted. Dawnuss discusses the effects of her departure on the house.
Friday the 13th nightmare for Steph
Day 9 23:00
By BigBroWeb
BB EyeSteph's worst nightmare became a reality as she becomes the first to leave the BB9 house
Four up for the public vote
Day 7 17:37
By BigBroWeb
BB EyeMario, Lisa, Steph and Luke are up for the chop. Who do you think will be the first to leave the BB9 house?
Housemates FAIL the Secret Task
Day 5 19:51
By BigBroWeb
BB EyeThe housemates have failed the secret task, which means Mario, Lisa, Steph and Luke are up for eviction.
Day 2 20:00
By Dawnuss
BB EyeThe honeymoon period is over for the housemates. Tensions are beginning to rise and cracks are showing as the first task progress.
Enter ... The BB9 Housemates
Day 1 23:58
By Dawnuss
BB EyeYippee!! The greatest reality show has started, and as per usual, Dawnuss is on hand to give us a load of opinions.
BB9 is under way
Day 1 10:05
By BigBroWeb
BB EyeBig Brother 9 has started. And who better than BigBroWeb to keep track of all the happenings going on in the house. Stay with the the hottest show this summer ... And the hottest website. BigBroWeb.
Day 1 09:00
By Dawnuss
BB EyeBig Brother 9 is almost update us and one person who cannot wait is Dawnuss. Catch her initial expectations here.
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