As housemates were dealing with Jen’s departure, new member Sara walked in. The 27 year old PA, who originally hails from Australia, was immediately jumped upon by Beck’s “I’m so scared” were the first words she managed to utter.
The other members of the household gathered around to greet the nervous newcomer.
Next in was Maysoon, a 28 year old single model from Hertfordshire. The house once again erupted into whoops and cheers. Introducing herself she quickly made a connection with Mo a fellow Muslim. “Do you speak Arabic?” he questioned. “Yes” she replied “Shalom” said Mo
Belinda a 44 year old married Theatre Director from Exeter was last in and made a dramatic entrance flouncing in wearing a tu-tu style dress. Taking her time to admire the Big Brother hallway, Diary Room door and décor before entering she said her name three times – “It helps people to remember it” she exclaimed. Positivity, support and razzmatazz are gifts she hopes to bring to the house.
“Lets hide the food” sniggered Mo to Darnell and Rex, proving once again his stomach is his main priority
Later in the pool, the guys discussed who the fittest new girl was. They came to the conclusion it was Sara.
The new arrivals appear to have brought out mixed feelings “I don’t think she’s fit” Dale sulked, referring to Maysoon - obviously missing Jen as he shed tears in the B Block bedroom. Luke was more forthcoming in the Diary Room “I don’t want three new housemates” he barked.
The new entrants will change the dynamics of the house, but will this be for the better? We will have to wait and see.