For whom the bathtime belle tolls - Surely not for thee, Bea?

Day 78 05:19
By BigBroWeb
You get to view me as a five minute FREE BEA, and then you're obliged to whop your wallet OUT ... and vote to keep me IN
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You get to view me as a five minute FREE BEA, and then you're obliged to whop your wallet OUT ... and vote to keep me IN
No one's looking (except 30 million viewers) so let's do some under cover cavorting ... oh, the cameras are on Bea.

Eviction hour is looming, and Bea looks HOT favourite for the boot.

But WAIT!!

Maybe the bathtime belle can stir up some levels of support.

A wave to the camera, perhaps?

A shy sounding 'Hello', maybe?

Well, it's certainly got the cameraman's attention.

Charlie and Rodrigo are up to goodness knows what under the covers in the bedroom, but the cameras are loving Bea's bikini bath.

Will the public share the camera's love for Bea and want to see more of her?

Or will she end up in hot water?

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