1) Nana returns and Marcus takes a bath
Select one of 7 clips by clicking on a paragraph below
1) Nana returns and Marcus takes a bath
2) Sophie gets one of her jugs out ... and uses it to try and soak Marcus
3) Marcus might bring Cat Lady to the wrap party, might sleep with Sophia, but would reject Angel
4) David cooks Monster Heart Attack burgers for Sophie and Charlie
5) I'm in great pain Sophie, but there's every chance you might die from that burger.
6) Sophie wonders if she will die of a heart attack, and Marcus is left writhing on the floor in agony.
7) Someone is talking in their sleep
Marcus and Siavash now know they are up for eviction this week.
1) Marcus is in the bath, swearing at the camera.
The housemates tell Charlie they've like to see Nana return. Bea took back the headscarf he was using for Nana, a day or two after she was evicted.
Rodrigo is moaning about Marcus moaning, and Marcus tells him to shut up moaning about his moaning.
Sophie laughs at Marcus in his 'Simon Cowell' boxers, and Nana returns.
2) Lisa thinks about the possibility of the camera zooming up to her private parts while she was doing the wrestling task.
Sophie gets one of her jugs out ... fills it with water and tries throwing it over Marcus while he's in the shower.
After trying to also throw water over Siavash and trying to scare him, she begs both Marcus and Siavash for a can of lager.
Charlie tells Lisa he is upset with Rodrigo for going to bed without telling him, and Lisa said he's just tired and wants to avoid an argument.
3) Marcus tells Sophie that he's saving all his alcohol for the Cat Lady.
Sophie asks if he fancies her.
She then asks if he'd sleep with Angel and he says "No f**king way". She asks about Sophia and maybe as she's small.
He says he might bring Cat Lady to the wrap party.
Marcus thinks he's be evicted this week.
Sophie says she doesn't know who'll go out of Marcus and Siavash, and that they're really similar
and Marcus says "Similar up to the point where I'm not a bulls**tter and he is"
Marcus explains how the cycle task he did earlier has made his bum sore and is keen to show it to Charlie, in Sophie's presence.
4) Sophie is made to realise she's not being ladylike. Gassing, swearing, stealing, burping, pregnant, one eyebrow, double chin.
Marcus advises her to take her breasts back to Transform and to get her £5k back.
Sophie and Charlie try to get a can of lager from Marcus.
David is cooking them Monster Heart Attack burgers, and after getting over the shock of seeing the sausage, egg and beefburger plate fillers coming their way, Siavash is trying to warn Sophie against eating hers.
5) David admits to wearing a shirt saying 'Sorry girls I'm gay'
The Irrepressible Dark Horse finds the pain delivered by the bike ride earlier is repressing him to the floor.
But he composes himself long enough to tell Sophie that he thinks there's every chance she might DIE eating stuff like the Monster Heart Attack burger, that she's currently downing.
He reckons there's a easily thousand calories in her burger.
Marcus admits he might be suffering more than anyone else, and it's causing pain in his private parts.
6) Sophie is thinking about getting her hands on Siavash's can of lager, and David tells her she's in danger of becoming a alcoholic. Charlie says he doesn't want the show to end, as he may not see everyone again.
Sophie is ruing the burger now, and is wondering if she might really die, before she goes to bed.
Leaving Marcus writhing in agony on the floor.
Guess he'll be leaving the graveyard shift out tonight.