1) They're building a big stage to hold your weight, Sophie
Select one of 5 clips by clicking on a paragraph below
1) They're building a big stage to hold your weight, Sophie
2) I've had loads of bisexual girls, and they love it. I've had nomal girls who's later come out - Lisa
3) 'You've got the Birmingham vote Lisa, you've got the Yorkshire vote, David, and I'll have no votes, so I'll be out' - Sophie
4) Charlie and Rodrigo agree to visit each others towns, and Siavash makes an unusual request to Rodrigo
5) The Vash kisses ASS - Rodrigo's ass - Controversial
1) Sophie and Siavash are discussing the Day 50 video they were shown earlier.
Siavash said how he wanted something to come and cover him up. Sophie said they should have walked out when they said they were, then none of that would have happened.
Siavash said that would have been less of a humiliation, then he explored the situation what would have happened, that Noirin would have seen Isaac and gone off to America anyway.
Sophie consoled him by saying it would be over in 3 days ... or maybe one day, she thought again. She then thinks two could be going today, and that's why they're building a big stage.
Siavash joked that it was to hold her weight, and they laugh about it. Sophie wonders if she could sue the magazine for the article they wrote about her weight.
They talk for a bit about phones and Facebook.
Rodrigo and Charlie are outside in the pool, and talking about the magazine task. Charlie decide they should have a nice bath and go to bed.
Charlie remembers that it's Bea's birthday on the 28th September and ask Rodrigo if he's going to it.
Charlie wonders what they could do to pass the time, and think about giving the housemates a scare again, by gonging someone, which they both laugh about.
They discuss possible tasks, such as the house being taken over by zombies, or monsters.
2) Rodrigo hopes the next day will be a nice one weather wise.
Then they try to form a whirlpool, just the two of them.
Soon they go inside and Charlie runs a bath for the two of them.
Siavash is telling Sophie about an attractive sounding guy, and she says she'll go out with him. She presses Siavash for physical details. She says she wants men who re tall, slim, with afros, and tattoos.
Siavash tells Sophie that the tattoos he'll be having will be the coolest she's ever seen, and says it can't go wrong.
Sophie says he should concentrate on the main are of focus, his face.
Siavash talks about possible hairstyles, and Sophie asks him if he's ever dyed one side of his white and the other side black like Cruella de Ville
Lisa and David are talking in the bedroom, and Lisa says she's had loads of bisexual girls, and say they love it. She's also been with girls who were with men and come out later.
3) Siavash is telling Sophie about a time when people were telling him that he has the most beautiful hair, and wanting to take pictures of it.
Lisa is telling David about a past girlfriend who told her (Lisa), what an amazing woman she is, and that she's in love with her and made a mistake.
Soon David and Lisa are making there way outside for a smoke, and stop to talk to Sophie.
Sophie thinks the public have been voting since Friday to win, and that not many people will be voting for her, as not many men watch the show. She think Lisa will get the Birmingham vote, and David will have all Yorkshire.
Sophie thinks that the nominations were false to get them to argue, and they got what they wanted. Lisa admitted that she fell for it. Sophie seems sure the voting lines were open since Friday as so much vote money would be taken then.
She also thinks she'll be booed as she was booed on the way in, and that she can't wait to get the eviction over and done with.
Lisa thinks that it could be herself who will be evicted.
As Rodrigo is making his way to the bath to join Charlie, Siavash is called to the diary room, but Siavash tries to fool Rodrigo and get him to go instead, but he's foiled by Lisa.
And Rodrigo joins Charlie in the bath, as is soon concerned that they've run out of soap and conditioner.
Charlie distracts him by talking about going clubbing.
Rodrigo said that too mch clubbing was causing him to fail exams.
Charlie then asks him if he's wild when he goes out.
4) Charlie and Rodrigo talk about friends, going out in Leeds, Newcastle and Brighton.
They then talk about Brazil, and San Paolo where Rodrigo comes from, and what it's like there. He says he's looking forward to seeing his family.
Charlie is wondering if any of his family can come down if he's evicted, as it'll be a Tuesday, which makes it difficult.
Charlie and Rodrigo agree to go to each others towns.
A little later, Siavash comes from the diary room and says in a breathy voice "Rodrigo, make love to me tonight". Rodrigo laughs, and Siavash continues "It seems that you liked it".
He then explains the contents of the diary room conversation.
Rodrigo says how it was emotional it was watching the show. He said waking up in the morning he felt upset and he didn't want to be in the house any more, but watching the the video he saw the good times he had in the house.
5) Rodrigo makes his way from the bathroom to go to bed, and Siavash says to him suggestively, "Get ready for me Rodrigo. Rrrrrr!!"
Rodrigo goes over to Charlie's bed for a bit.
Siavash comes in and kisses Rodrigo's bum. (Probably not the best way to convince his dad he's not gay)
Rodrigo finds it really funny and tells Charlie.
Soon Rodrigo gives Charlie a kiss and hug goodnight, and makes his way to his bed next to Sophie, and gives Siavash a hug along the way.