Afternoons - Day 30 - ‘You are the most SELFISH man I know', Nathan tells under fire Ben.

Day 30 14:12
By BigBroWeb
Video Clip
Select one of 6 clips by clicking on a paragraph below
1) ‘Ben, you are the most SELFISH man I have ever met in my entire life’, Nathan tells him
‘But don't take this as an attack on you’
2) Under fire Ben feels abandoned when Nathan and Dave leave the nest, but Mario is there for him.
3) Ben says he’s right to his views, and Mario advises him not to say some of them as they’ll be perceived negatively.
4) ‘Guys, lay off Ben a bit. He’s been attacked all morning’, advises Mario.
5) Big Bro-bot announces details of the final challenge – Speed whisking of all things. ‘The Baron’, Steve steps up to the plate
6) With the shopping budget at whisk, ahem, risk, it’s Steve who emerges from the battle scene victorious, 'beating' the robot.

With the Big Bro-bot task continuing, Ben is having another day from hell.

Now Nathan is delivering some home truths, and even Dave seems to abandon him.

Thank goodness for Mario.

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