Afternoons - Day 34 - Let's escape and have them round us up like the scene in Planet of the Apes - Dave

Day 34 13:18
By BigBroWeb
Video Clip
Select one of 6 clips by clicking on a paragraph below
1) Dave brings up the idea of escape again, thinking it would be a good way of making a splash, as he’s not going to win.
Josie jokes that everyone loves a crackpot and he’s right up there with them.
2) Keeley has to prepare the next meal, and food becomes the topic of conversation for the hungry housemates. They reflect on the quality meals that Nathan prepared.
3) John James and Keeley play ball in the garden, talking cordially about diet, exercise and Bikram yoga.
4) Mario becomes hairdresser, giving Ben’s hair a trim. The talk isn’t about where they’re going on their holidays, but nominations.
5) Caoimhe takes over the hair trimming duties, and Ben takes the opportunity to ask her about Irish customs
6) Steve decides that ‘This a day of fun, with the fun. It’s a magical adventure, without the magic’
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