Ali Bromley - Big Brother 2024
Ali Bromley

Age (at start of series): 38

Home: London, originally from Leicester

Occupation: Forensic Psychologist

Popularity in house: Ali is nominated for eviction

Interesting facts: Ali is a Forensic Psychologist ( Image: ITV)

Ali is a 38 year old Forensic Psychologist from Leicester. When asked if she had a strategy, she said: "My strategy is to be myself. I’m not going in with any thoughts about playing a particular role, or character. I’m going to be myself.

My strategy would be getting to know people in the house and trying to make friends. The main way to keep yourself safe seems to be not getting internal votes so you’re not put up for eviction in the first place.

Hopefully getting people on side and being liked. But not to the detriment of sacrificing who I am or my self-respect. "

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